The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

Is Garmin down?
What’s the point in doing a run if I cant share it online and get Kudos?

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its gone down globally, the Chinese have hacked it

I can only think of two reasons where a major company takes a system down like that, for that long

They have a very serious technical problem for which they had no redundancy


The chinese have hacked them.

I’d go with the latter.

The Chinese will go straight for the fast lads when they invade.
Or else they are going to blackmail politicians by threatening to share their shite 5k times

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@flattythehurdler was right all along

Gonna head for a trail run. Was hoping to do some road work ahead of next weekend but I just don’t have any interest in doing it today. I’ll do an hour so whatever I can get done in that.

I’d say I’m fucked to run next week. I havent stirred since my July 5k run, did my ankle the Monday after and still not right, think it is more ligament issue than a rolled ankle. Will see how I am after this weekend and if I can get some run in early next week. My illustrious running career coming to a grinding halt.


I went for another short clip around the block there on lunch - there isnt a puff of air. Horrible shite for running —

Garmin has crashed.

My sources are saying it’s a Ransomware attack.
They’ll be down for days if it is.

I am officially withdrawing from the 10:10:20.

I haven’t had enough time to commit to training to get up to 10km.

Full 3-page statement on the GPA website.


Sorry to read that pal … You have to listen to your body tho - that’s the beauty of getting older and wiser. You’ll be back flying it for the incline challenge.

Those of us who transitioned to Fitbit from Garmin are laughing. cc @Copper_pipe

I might just go for a run to post it on Strava to annoy people

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You don’t even need to do that mate


What’s wrong with garmin???


They’ve been compromised.

That will end a few people’s lives.

I have no Kudos

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Handy 9km or so. Slow and steady jog on the up and took it handy coming down, still wary of my ankle especially on more technical bits.

Had zero motivation to go out today but was glad I did. You’d rarely regret going for a run

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