The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

Garmin were down briefly there a few days ago as well, so I’m hoping this is just one of those bits-of-sticky-tape-holding-it-all-together-coming-loose type errors.

If on the other hand the CCP now have access to my workouts, I’m glad that I logged my ballwall sessions as “Tennis” in the app. This should confuse them no end.

At this stage I’d be 95% confident it’s a massive ransomware attack. They will be in serious bother.

I will be a fat, 25+ minute mess in a matter of weeks if they don’t sort this out URGENTLY.

I did 14.1 k this morning with Matty at 5.10 average. Fastest 5k was 25.03, and 10k of 51.50 iirc.
Can’t post it as Matty can’t get Garmin to uncrash.
Legs are tired.
Bikini bootcamp X 2 tomorrow.

No worries pal. You peaked too soon :joy:

My own half marathon attempt is looking tricky. The folks are up for the bank holiday weekend. Will be doing well to get out for the 10 miler

Presume bikini bootcamp is some sort of online fitness thing is it?

This is what I’m seeing on my Garmin. And it’s continuously beeping. The Chinese are on the way I suppose. Can’t turn the fucker off!

That it is. I’ll look mighty in one in 2027 when we’re allowed out.

It’s only three more miles FFS.
Man the fuck up. Just say you got a puncture.


There is literally no point in going for a run until next week at the earliest.

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I’ll probably end up going out Thursday night when Mrs gets home from work (7.30/8). Squeezing 21.1km in then will be tricky but I’ll see what I can do

Alternatively I may need an extension until the Tuesday if the committee awards it

Extension approved if required cc @locke


I called it early.
Some nightmare.

When will I get kudos again?

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Extension seconded and passed

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I’d imagine they’ll pay the ransom and you’ll be back up and running by Saturday.

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I’d get that in writing @caulifloweredneanderthal

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Your details may be available on the Dark Web but at least you can share your runs online :slight_smile:

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There’s a chance I won’t get the 10 mile in next weekend so wanted to get it done this morning. A bit slower than I’d probably have aimed for but I found running that length on my own awful tedious. Makes a big difference not having someone to close down. 2 piss stops where I think the watch stopped so the 10 mile time has a bit longer on it.