The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

Great effort Mac.

I can’t do this weekend I don’t think. I’m working.
I’ll try and get a run in on Sunday morning early if I can.

I’m pretty sure it’s not until next weekend

Correct. I only went out this morning as I might not get out next weekend.

I’ll be doing derroura next Saturday morning

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Well done @Mac
1:26:47 is the first recorded time so puts you in the lead :grin:

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I don’t know when I’ll get the chance to do the 10 miler but when I get a window I will. I’ll be lucky to do it in 90mins…

They should probably just pay it, I’m surprised they haven’t done so by now.

Blow it up ref!

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Started on the half marathon this morning. In very sad news for the board, matty had some kind of mental breakdown and said he’d torn a muscle in his calf at about the 10k mark, so Claire and I had to cut it short so I could run back and get the car and pick him up. 15 k we did :slightly_frowning_face:
I won’t get the chance to do the half now, but I’ll see will map my run pick up my phone on the derroura MTB route first thing Saturday morning which is 16 k hill run. It is highly recommend about five miles past oughterard on the right. Only ever seen a cyclist on it once.

Ran 70 mins exactly for 10 mile this morning. Will run this route next weekend. Not quick as couple of very long drags and sharp hills. Cant see me running faster than 67/68 mins.


That’s lovely clipping mate

I’m getting fitter. Probably couple of good months off 65 min.

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I’ve given that a like but nothing up on Strava where it actually counts

Strava no longer required for the fun run series due to the Garmin issues pal.

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Thinly veiled, up your bollix @Locke


Nothing thin about it :unamused:

Just got a notification on the watch that activity is ready to view — did they pay the money?