The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

PS do Ratana and the boys ever take a wander into TFK?

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Thanks @RaymondCrotty
Right gents, if you posted a time donate a tenner anyway, I’m certain it will do more good for the kids in Cambodia than it will in your pocket.


Ratana finds it extremely amusing but struggles to decipher elements of the forum.

He and other colleagues genuinely find the support very heartwarming (even if they are a bit bemused by the whole thing).


I know a lad who’s married to a girl called Ratana and she’s Thai. Is it an asexual name?

I have a very nasty feeling I have a stress fracture in my foot :roll_eyes:

Did you do the jump test?

No, what should I do?
I ran that hill run last Saturday, and when I got back it was sore on my right foot right on the end of the foot where my fourth toe goes into it. It’s where I usually land.
I was wearing runners that I leave at home. They are fairly new, maybe 100k in them.
It has got no better since. It feels swollen at that spot and is sore to walk or stand on such that I can’t walk normally without it hurting a good bit, though I can weight bear although it’s sore.
It’s a small localised area.

You seem to be doing a lot of hard running for an auld fella


He’s killing himself sure.

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Ah feck.
Pretty sure that’s it :grimacing:

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Donation made @RaymondCrotty
Still time for anybody else looking to help ot


Lovely run in Garryduff woods today …was supposed to go usual route on road early but fatherhood got in the way. Went out at 10.50 and it was already 20degrees so last minute veered off up the woods… it’s incline for nearly 1.5k and most of the trail is roots of trees, almost like a stairs, with puddles every now and again -more like an obstacle course really… couple of short steep slopes knocked the stuffing out of me and i had to stop twice to get my breath back … i got slightly disorientated on the way back and had to pull my self up a slope — all in all great fun and while tougher than roads it was much easier on the joints - feel great after it tho it’s a different type of fitness… did 5k in around 36 mins - i’ve no idea of elevation gained as i broke my phone last night so cant sync to strava till later — the anticipation of the kudos i’ll get will get me through the day


Strava want me to pay €50+ for the annual subscription. Did the rest of you boys pay that?

Unless you’re ultra serious about running I wouldnt bother — did you subscribe to the paid one at the start rather than the free one?

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If you still have that Celtic shirt, I’ll make a donation if you post it to my pal in Galway (I’ll make one in any case tbh before the end of the year)

No, the basic version is more than adequate

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Sound like Desperate Housewives

No, don’t bother

Fuck the roads.