The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

Here having an ice of the dodgy ankle and doing some rolling and stretching. Have signed up for Quest Geo tomorrow. Two short cycles (28km total, first one has a bastard of a hill) and two short runs (handy 6km woods trot and 8km up and down Slieve Foye. Nearly two years since I last did a brick run so I’m going in a little blind. I expect to suffer a lot and for my jacks to suffer when I get home


Do you also shit yourself when you run?

No, but I estimate there’ll be anywhere from 1-4 shits happening between 1-4pm tomorrow

Just PM me an address and I’ll post it,
I’m away now till next Saturday so it’ll be after that

This didn’t go too bad…back of a fag packet has me at around 3’25 but I’d imagine an extra ten minutes were spent at transitions (we were putting bikes in backs of cars, taking wheels off etc.). We had a bit of a navigation issue on the first run (you had to use an app to log in at various signs - the sign was missing). Slieve Foye to finish off was really just a hike up and then we took a shortcut to run down some rougher terrain. I probably held Xavier back to be honest. He could have easily finished 5 minutes ahead of me, especially on the runs. He was strong on the bike too, cycling a bike that has seen much better days that he paid €120 for second hand. The frame was a little different so I’m thinking it actually might be a cyclocross bike with road wheels.

Body held up well, and just in now for some Japanese takeaway in town. Good little test for the body. Definitely have a lot of work to do fitness wise


I’ve just entered for the coniston lake swim on sept 5.
5.25 miles on fcuk all training will be interesting :grimacing:

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How is foot?

You could do the virtual Galway Bay while you’re at it

Getting better. Not there yet, but thanks for asking.

I’m entered for that, but that’s easy tbh, the virtual one.

Two weekends to go until the final run of the series. A handful of lads have done all four events to date, fair fucks. We’d a good turnout for the last 5km, so be good to go out with a bang

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Not that it matters, but I won’t be posting a time. The 5k is no good for me.
I’m doing a swim that weekend anyhow.


Fair play for setting this up. A nice few bob went to charity and it got lads up off their holes. I did the first one to register a time and make a donation. First time I’d ever ran a timed 5k. I was pissed off with my time and wanted to improve so once I got going, the 25 min was my target. Glad to have got it, so once Gaa season finishes I’ll be getting back out again. If it wasn’t for your idea to set it up, I wouldn’t have done it nor want to stick at it, so thanks from me!


Fair play pal. You’re the one who put one foot in front of the other so you’ve only yourself to thank !


The Gah is winding down now so I’m back out just trudging around at the minute to remind my body it can do 5k. I was struggling big time to get there at the start of the year so don’t want to give it up. I did fuck all running for a few months and it’s a real slog again at the minute. The heat today didn’t help. I’m hoping to keep it up over the winter, and hopefully improve my time as it goes along. The mythical 25 mins seems a long way off again though :joy:


Any sign of the park runs coming back? They would be grand to keep you ticking over during the winter.

No update in a good while - they’re afraid of their shite understandably

@caulifloweredneanderthal help!! I am in danger of developing a covid belly here, we cannot let this happen

Get out there mate. Get yourself a running jacket or a baselayer or something for the winter though