The Let Kev at your Back thread

Ok. What does a bulging disc feel like?

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What are your symptoms?

Did you suffer a fall, crash or other injury?

Lego related

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Follow moveu or movement101 on instagram.

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Mostly a dry persistent cough, fever-like symptoms, headaches and general aches and pain. If you’re getting these best thing to do is go and sit in a room, push your thumb as far as you can up your hole and say 10 hail marys.



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I’ve a sore back sometimes. Down on the left hand side. Its grand for a while and yoga helps a lot but sometimes it goes and im like a cripple for the rest of the day. Its usually only sleep that makes it better. When i have it i find myself contorting myself silly in an effort to ‘stretch’ it.

Thank you doctor.

Could be psychosomatic pain due to the stress brought on by the crisis. Read healing bavk pain or another one of John E Sarno’s books. Cheaper than a physio and a shot at nothing.

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I’ve had it a bit since January. It predates the crisis

Does it predates stresses and worries in your life? It might not be the case, it might be something very serious like horsebox had, no harm keep an open mind

No. I have many stresses in my life. But sure that’s life.

That might also be pain… Read the book, im sure one of the whizz kidz can get you a free download

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Have you tried the Wim Hof breathing method?

Take a deep breath and stick your thumb up your hole?

Ok. Now what?

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If it was bulging disc there’s usually a nerve sensation also… Could be any number of things kid. If you can at all get a scan done, free with health care or 200 quid if not.

I know your biz is out of action at the minute so 200 is a bit if bobs if you’re not working.

Keep up the stretching but what you also need to do is a bit of core/glute work.

Simple one that works well for me is… Diwn on all fours, extend one leg out and move it up about a couple of inches and down again x 10, keep leg extended and straight away bend knee do foot is pointing up and push foot up to the sky squeezing glute x 10, then straight from that bring the leg back down under you and bring it up to meet the opposite arm that’s planted on the ground and as your bringing your leg back to fully extend again also bring that same opposite arm out in front like a super man x 10. Repeat on other leg and do 3 rounds in total. No rest in between each exercise…

Planks… 20 second plank then lift one leg a couple up a couple of inches for 10 seconds…regular plank again for 20 seconds then left the other leg for 10 seconds…obviously shorten times to suit whatever you can do.

The best stretch you can do is the one where lying on back you pull your knee over to the opposite side of your body… Has to be dine right tho. Lay like the Jesus in the cross, bring one knee up towards chest, use opposite hand to pull it over to that opposite side but at no time should the shoulder on the sane side of the knee being pulled lift off the ground. So if you’re pulling your left knee over to your right, your body can twist but your left shoulder must not leave the ground… Do both sides.

Lastly, squat and hold for as long as possible. Totally realigns the back. Do this a few times a day abd don’t be afraid to hold something for balance if it keeps you down longer. Id often use both sides of a door handle.

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