The Let Kev at your Back thread

Potentially Sciatica.

Shove your thumb up your arse.

What have you been at?

I dunno root cause exactly.

I spent a good few hours over weekend weeding a yard etc.

I think I may have dozed on couch last week with my head slumped forward too. Might explain tight muscles in lower neck / upper back.

Little bit of disc I’d say. Heat. Sit up right. Pain killers. Be gone in a few days.

Anti inflammatories if in pain initially and stretch every morning and night. You don’t need to do a yoga class of stretching, just a few mins each night and morning. Was a game changer for me, I’d go so far as saying I’m living a completely different life since I incorporated this into my daily routine. Age is a hoor

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What stretches worked for you bud?

Four years in mountjoy


The simple ones. Tight hamstrings were the bane of my life causing severe back pain and sciatica daily. I’ve no idea of your mobility but if you struggle to touch the floor with the back of your hands while standing with feet together I’d encourage you to work on it daily. Sitting on a chair with legs apart and simply lowering your chest to as close to your knees as possible also does wonders for me. Start slow and easy


Try these.


Lie on the floor. Get a sliotar and put it under side of your back. Find the “hot spots” and use the ball to push into them - it should be sore but the pain will dissipate.

Then get the ball and in your bare feet stand on it one foot at a time. Put weight on it and roll it around. Enjoy the discomfort.

Gave the lower back a twinge deadlifting last week. Wasn’t worried as it happens occasionally to me. Back felt a little bit off for a few days but nothing major. Went back there on Tuesday, even did a few deadlifts and felt great after it. Went yesterday too. Again no issue.

Woke up this morning crippled. Can barely move.

Fucked my back at the base of my spine on DLs years ago. I feel your pain. Squats and DLs all but ruled out at this stage. A month ago it went off for no reason at all that I can tell, was crippled for weeks. Difene is your friend.

Life without deadlifts isn’t life at all

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Got medial plantar nerve pain in my foot and quad shutdown after a torn meniscus. Talk to me.

How heavy are you?

Whoa whoa whoa

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Now we’re hurlin

Any lads with bad hayfever I’d suggest going to GP to ask for montelukast which is an anti asthmatic drug but works a treat for bad hayfever


Anyone going anywhere near a doctor would want to be taking a long hard look at himself

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This post came up when i searched nasal cleansing. Why did i search it? Because I’m kind and thoughtful. Because i have a nugget. A nugget of pure gold. A medical breakthrough of penicillian proportions.
Here’s the deal boys. Necessity is the mother of invention, as we all know, except @Thomas_Brady . Well on holidays in italy there they told us not to drink the water. I’d a day or two of the oul hayfever type reactions brewing and knew i had to nip that shit in the bud. So you’d obviously go for the bottled water if the tap water is a no-no. Only thing is… the only bottles left (due to a shopping error by yours truly)was the SPARKLING. Holy fucking shit i thought… 'i shouldn’t, i can’t… and at that point, it was like a decision was floated into my brain by fate. I HAD TO DO IT.
Yup, fill the buidèal slow, drop the salt, shake…forgetting that it was sparkling, the fizz it would bring…
So like a lad looking at a terrifying 42 metre drop on a waterslide, i stared into my slidey-water-future. Aaaaaaaaaaaand…a vesuvian freshness heretofore unheard of. A powerhose to the nose if you will. Unbelievable! A 3 day deadlock broken. Fly my pretties, fly! I’d highly recommend for winners, adventurous types and those in need of a jumpstart. The future is clear folks… hang on…no… the future is sparkling!

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