The Let Kev at your Back thread

Are you on sparkling blow too?

No offence but that’s like something @anon67715551 would come off with…apart from the being outside of leitrim bit

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you sure it was sparkling water you had?

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I devoted 30 seconds to finding my connection to this fine post from @Juhniallio but failed.
On the plus side (I realise these are scarce commodities with you) I note you’ve gotten a like.

I’m sniggering to myself here thinking of some old piseóg about our canine friends.

a) good idea…should help you remember
b) but what a like

Just talking to a girl from myshall here and I am sad to report to the great Danny nail passed to his eternal rest a few weeks back. RIP to one of the greats.


I should have been tagged in that post

Had a championship match last Friday - tight enough affair and met a forward full on late in the game where both of us lined was other up.

Back was in bits that night but softened out over the weekend - would get the odd pang when getting out of bed, the car, high stool etc but nothing unexpected.

Did a decent gym session Wednesday night, no adverse effects. Was still a bit tight yesterday so did a handy enough 7 or 8 minute stretch at lunch time. Am crippled ever since, whole lower back, groin abd glute just seemed to feel like they are impacted and seized up.

Can walk up and down the stairs with no pain but any kind of small movement leads to a really sharp pain in that general area.

Time waits for no man

A wise man once said to me things pop a lot easier in your 40s. At the same time he told me cop on out running around on a field with chaps and lunatics of my own ilk.

When the race is run, the race is run.

What age are you @Big_Dan_Campbell


No major back trouble before

Could be disc… Disc tends to be fine when walking/ moving but it’s the sitting/ lying etc where you feel it… Surrounding areas can seize up as a protection. Best to avoid stretching. Do small movements to get the muscles moving… Like getting down on all fours and raise one foot up towards the ceiling, gently engaging glute and lower back…swap legs and repeat a couple of times and repeat this a couple of times a day. Get antiinflammatory also.

That’s a strengthening exercise.
He needs to get the disc back in place first.

That was one of the stretches I did yesterday which led me to this

Is your thumb still operational?


Sounds like disc alright. Nerve gets pressed on and flares up. Alternate ice and heat can help, anti infammatories, might need something prescribed. Gentle mobility movements like that windscreen wiper one you had above and cat cows, don’t stretch the tight areas. I found hip flexor stretch helpful.

I’m just back from a round of injections into the back this morning. Had the discectomy about three months ago.

You should be able to manage it another good while. It can settle down.

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How old was the other fella?

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I wouldn’t try do this if the muscles are in spasm.

Also dont recommend any of the nerve glide type movements either, unless or until well settled down.

Young and wirey