The Let Kev at your Back thread

Might take you up. Will try walking first, couldn’t pick up a pen at the moment. Getting in and out of the car after driving is a killer.

Currently have a heat strap thing on me. Will go for a walk tomorrow and swim Saturday.

I think you need to explain what happened your flap as your back could be over compensating for your flap not working

Ya driving is a cunt.

Try tilting the seat forward. May help short term, may not.

Sounds like hanging wpuld do alot for you


XXXX Gold ruined the flap. Never had an issue when I changed to Tooheys New.

you came from NZ with a fucked up flap

@anon98850436 is hanging every weekend and most Monday mornings

True. I’m wrecked every Monday after a weekend with the kids. I come to work during the week for a break !

It’ll be 4-5 more years before someone lifts your dead bodyweight you mean.

I had to leave Parnell Park after the minor match yesterday with severe sciatica. I am in bed since. Never felt pain like it. I wouldn’t wish it on Paul Williams. I have to psyche myself up for half an hour before I hobble out for a piss. Doctor gave me a course of steroids but they are taking their fucking time kicking in.

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Have you tried deadlifts while walking backwards?


Thumb hole shove repeat as necessary

Thanks fellas.

  1. Get out of the bed.
  2. lie on a hard surface
  3. Take whatever drugs to relieve the pain

Short term solution but may be needed.

Get active

Seriously lads. Getting active is not an option until the pain relief kicks in.As soon as it dors I have some stretching exercises to do. Currently the 10 yard walk to the jacks leaves me writhing in pain for 20 minutes afterwards

You’d want your head examined to be walking forwards into the jacks


Have you had it before?

Absolutely the best thing now is rest and drugs. Valium or prozac recommended. Anything that relaxes the muscles. When you are well enough walking and your back exercises

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Sorry @binkybarnes
That’s rotten bad news. Don’t know what to advise. Keep her lit.

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No. Never any trouble. Just back from a week in Spain. Dodgy mattress, lack of exercise and traveling on buses and planes probably brought it on.