The marriage difficulties and auld GAA lads from Craobh thread

I know two lads who have had really shit times …great family men who’s wives just got bored with them around and ran them …like you said now living in one bed apartments seeing their kids for a few hours every week…very sad

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Thanks horse. Been here along time. Just posting under a new alias to disguise my other anonymous alias.

Don’t think she’s having an affair. Fairly sure. Unless you count her career. A lot of lads have recommended counselling, and I’ll be looking into that.

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Yeah that would frighten me.

I think I’d really lose it in that situation. I’d be up in the Dail or Stormont chaining myself to a railing with a father’s rights picket on me.

In saying that though I am such a good debater than I reckon I could win the divorce hearing in court.


I have a mate going through this at present. He is getting absolutely fucked. He split her lip with a suitcase last August. He says it was accidental, she says it wasn’t. Either way, the price he has paid and the other stuff that has happened since are fu king mental. Sees his kids by court order only, twice a week. He has yet to be asked his side at all by any judge. All courts have dealt only with access. He pays entirely for the mortgage on the house they lived in (now her and his kids) he also rents another gaff for himself (3bed on the Fingal Riviera-not cheap) and he pays for all the kids stuff. Hes been arrested twice, all for the original incident. She charges anything she likes to his company
He has spent a fortune on legal. If you go down this route @Sad then DEFINITELY get legal advice first and from someone good.

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As was said earlier, it’s very brave of you to do this and any person who would attempt to weaponise this is a creep. I don’t think 90% of the 10 people who post on here would do that.

You have my sympathy, I’ve been through a few crushing breakups in the past that knocked me for months, maybe one for a full year and sometimes the scars are still tender but you will come back.

My own take, which I have no practical experience of is that divorces are fatal for men but others might be better able to advise.


I’d say that by the end of proceedings the other solicitor would end up giving you the kids, the house, alimony and a signed document declaring that Ulster football is superior just to see the back of you.


Surely with all this equality crap women getting half of what a man is worth is a thing of the past? What happens if the woman earns more than the man?

This guy sounds like he has plenty of money and she could very well be:

Do you combine your finances, or do you keep them separate?

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Have a look at this

If I was you I’d forget about fixing the marriage or your wife until later in year. Spend next three or four months on yourself. Where are you now and where do you want to be in five years. The above is a tool to help you do that. Ignore that Jordan Peterson is behind it. It’s a tool where you write your own history, present and future.

Go for counselling on your own. Then turn your attention to your wife, kids etc.

Whatever happens then with your wife you’ll have worked on and improved on your relationship with yourself and learn how to articulate what you want.

Counselling is non directional. It’s a format where you are listened to and asked questions and that makes you think and articulate and the answers come from within. Most people really benefit from it - think of it like a mental massage where you are listened to

You’ll get an idea here of questions etc

You’re going to be ok.


Yes I have seen a few instances. I worked for a fella who one day came home and wife literally had bags packed and the 2 kids were leaving to an undisclosed location. They never fought either so no warning signs. Just like thunder clearing the air sometimes a good fight is needed as a release valve once things don’t turn ugly. I held this guy in high esteem and learned quite a bit from him as my boss. It was quite something and surreal then for him to share every little intimate detail into the breakdown of his marriage and to see him a shell of a man. She had paid for next years tuition for both kids at some kids talent school in Cork called Monforts or something along those lines and bought a piano. Maxed out the credit card. She turned their mutual friends and children against him or at the very least totally ambivalent to him. They had to sell the family home. He had cashed in on a share option scheme in work and was able to buy a new apartment up in Sundays well but had to get Airbnb for one of his rooms to help pay for the mortgage and his former wife’s affluent lifestyle.

His biggest mistake he says is he never had running away money or contingency for even the remotest possibility that his marriage would end. He has had to re-build up his life from scratch. What puzzled me about the whole thing and sitting through his account of the ordeal was the suddenness and spontaneous parting of ways. I often wondered did she find something on his hard drive or a message on his phone that lead to this precipitous break up rather than years of mental abuse or neglect. I didn’t want to ask but I was conscious I was only hearing one side of the story even though I knew she was bat shit crazy.

I played football with another guy who had a kid with his wife whose marriage ended when the child was only 8 years old. She has since got remarried and had another child a few years ago. But when the new guy arrived on the scene she was encouraging the 8 year old to call the new guy daddy. She had changed the child’s surname back to her maiden name. I was heartened to see the kids name on an intercounty development squad with his biological fathers name recently. You can only hope kids see the wood from the leaves with age and maturity.

Anyway best wishes @Sad . Speak to an expert and get your affairs in order. Always take the high road otherwise its a race to the bottom.


I hope she gets no luck for it whoever she is

The other thing you can consider is an affair.

A but like @Juhniallio’s case it looks like he was potentially a mark for a gold digger.

Clearly it both cases these were both relatively successful business men who seemed to have been worth a fair whack.

Have you tried shoving your thumb up her arse?

I don’t think youl ever need to worry about getting divorced

if the kids are happy, suck it up till they are a bit older

i know of one guy, went from a mansion in Malahide to a 1 bed in D3 now, he looks a pitiful figure, the general rule is you will see the kids less and live in squalor. although you could get your hole a lot more

wear suncream



Go for the couples counciling but also get your ducks in row regarding a very good family law solictor. Don’t spare any expense there - do your research on the best one in your locality. Have that in your pocket at least before making any decisions.

Keep cool, that sounds like a horrible situation to go through.

Sorry to hear that. Hopefully ye can work through it via the councilling.

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Nasty post in a thread offering support and solidarity.


That would be my general impression of it.