The marriage difficulties and auld GAA lads from Craobh thread

Or a cousin

Sorry to hear that pal. Tough gig


Sorry to hear that mate

hopefully things get better and you see her a lot more


The circle jerk continues.

That must have been very tough, I hope things improve for you.


All the best mate.

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Ah thats a cunt, hope the situation improves.


Your a very strange manā€¦ With a lot of issues


Iā€™d say we donā€™t know the half of it


sorry to hear that @sad and @Mullach_Ide

Iā€™ve very little to offer really. Is it totally irretrievable @Sad. Even a break for the two of you away from work and kids and just the pair if ye, trying to reconnect and find what you once had? It would be terrible for the whole thing to fall apart, but at the same time, there is no point going through motions and being unhappy just for the sake of it. Its good to have a release valve here, but like many have said, get good professional advice in all of this.


You could do a"Tony Soprano" here. Speak to all those firms imparting details which would mean she canā€™t use them. :grinning:


Genius :smiley:

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Youā€™re the one who sucks cock. Not me. Clown.

I think you need a break from the Internet mateā€¦ Maybe have a chat with someoneā€¦

Sorry to hear about what both @Sad and @Mullach_Ide

Fair play for sharing here, and hopefully even the unloading is somewhat cathartic. The TFK community is a decent auld place.


may i suggest that @Sad talk to @Mullach_Ide by PM for proper advice


I will do that. And @Mullach_Ide , thanks for sharing your circumstances. Iā€™m genuinely devastated for you.

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I donā€™t know. But Iā€™m willing to try.


Dont be afraid to walk away from the counsellor if it doesnā€™t feel right, there are some gems and some bluffers. I might have told the story elsewhere but a pal of mine turned up for his solo appointment to find the counsellor finishing up for the day (thatā€™s how it goesā€¦solo then joint appointments etc). ā€œCome with me Alfonsoā€ he says. They headed to the pub where the counsellor let the pint to settle, took a sip and began to explained how ā€˜Accordā€™ was all about family, the sacrament of marriage, bringing people together etc. He then took another sip, wiped the cream from his moustache and said, ā€œbut you let that one go Alfonso, thatā€™s a bad ticket. Thereā€™s nothing you can do thereā€.

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Alfonso, eh? Would that be an Italian name? :thinking:

Yeah, will make sure I find a decent one.