The marriage difficulties and auld GAA lads from Craobh thread

Are you Alfonso?

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You must try. You’d be mad not to. Just know when to fold em.

There’s no way @Sad is a Wollie on an away-day is there?

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Funnily enough I’m not. I’d a similar experience…turned up and spent an hour explaining the situation, answering questions etc. When I finish the counsellor said “aye, that’s what I thought”. He went on to say that most wimmin turn up and have a list of problems to recount…husband is gambling, hes useless orviolent, an alcoholic, unfaithful etc. He said he listened to my missus for an hour and all he could hear was resentment, bitterness and rage but no specific incidents or reason for any of it. He had her worked out to the last. He asked if her father was an alcoholic…a common trait for kids of alcoholics is to cover their shame, blame themselves, control the situation etc by being absolutely perfect…school, career, behaviour, outrageously handsome husband etc…no real childhood or personal development, just striving to cope, escape and compensate. Which is all grand until the adult arrives at the destination, then everything falls apart in a flash…then all the trauma, resentment and anger is poured out in a safe secure environment…a bonafide maelstrom of fury, manipulation and abuse
That was second wife. The first one was worse.


on your way you creep. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out

Your a very strange individual

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Ah! Lovely insertion. You’re hard bate at this game.


Gambling truly is a mugs game. Causes shocking problems in Irish homes.

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I had my doubts yesterday about this thread to be fair.

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Same here.

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Is Ed Case still on the go?

What’s a Wollie?

Like a cardigan

Oh so it’s a forum member’s wife?

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I’d say a relatively high percentage of gamblers have a problem…while a relatively low percentage of drinkers are alcoholics.


Aye,they lose

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That’s the bit that puts me off

No. I wish.

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When @BruidheanChaorthainn wins, we all win.

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