The official Roman Catholic thread

its a show stopper at funeral, especially young people

unreal, its a real soul cleanser.

What if the Aliens were catholics? That’d be a game changer


There is more of a chance that Jesus Mary and Joseph will come back down to us than some bunch of alien cunts.

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Could you imagine if they landed somewhere in Cork? They’d turn around and go back, presuming there’s obviously no intelligent life on the planet.

Go way you thick cunt

What if Jesus was an alien?

Jesus was a steamer cunt -

Welcome aboard mate, you seem edgy and controversial, tell us more.
I can’t wait to hear more of your fascinating insight, and look forward to your future razor sharp witticisms, which will no doubt have the rest of the forum trembling in your wake.

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Jaysus, you’re full of shit.

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What if he was a migrant?

There is only one thing worse than hardline religious nuts, hardline atheists, Yes we know you don’t believe in any God why do you have to keep droning on about it? Let the lads who believe in God have their notions.

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Its amusing how they even have their own messiah in Ray Darcy to lead them.

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Catholics don’t like it up em.

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We’re against sodomy.


The non smoking crowd are the same. And lefties. They are so insecure in their views that they feel the need to shout down any opposition to them.

Common theme? Crusty townie cunts.

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The non smoking crowd are harmless, it’s not even a movement.

So none of the catholics here were able to examine their conscience and answer the difficult question of how they view their religion/god when the aliens come down and tell us there is no god, or that they have their own god. Catholics don’t like having to answer the hard questions.

If and when the aliens (fuck sake, this may be the worst argument on this forum, and thats saying something) come down to earth, God will advise his people what to do then.

Until then, it is a moot point.

I believe in God.

I don’t believe in aliens.

My faith is unwavering.

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