The official Roman Catholic thread

Do you have to align yourself with every popular movement? Is there a minority or unpopular stance that you have?

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Its probably before your time here, but my views on faith and religion are logged here. Iā€™ll let you off because youā€™re a newbie though. This time. You got your answer, now fuck off.

Laois hurling?

I do despise horse racing and dog racing. So I guess thereā€™s that too. Iā€™d also have no time for cricket or darts. Iā€™m happy with my position on all of these.

But thatā€™s not my question mate. I didnā€™t ask if you believed in aliens. Letā€™s not call them aliens though. Letā€™s call them intelligent life from outside of Earth from a civilisation that is one million years more advanced than humans. Letā€™s call them that.

So if this intelligent life from outside of Earth from a civilisation that is one million years more advanced than humans comes down to Earth revealing themselves and the fact that they are not catholics and they have no religion. How do you deal with your faith in Catholicism then mate? Just think about that no matter how uncomfortable it makes you feel and give me an honest answer. Iā€™m aware that this is difficult, that your parents, your teachers, the priests and your whole society has drilled into you all your life to believe in this story but just set it aside a moment and ponder my question.

Pathetic attempts here to undermine a posters unwavering faith. Stay strong @Nembo_Kid

But theyā€™re all minority stuff you fuckwit. Do you think the majority of people out there like cricket, darts, greyhound racing? Iā€™ll give you a clue, no they donā€™t. You fucking tulip.

I asked what minority stuff or opinions you have that are not normal. Google something there and give me an answer.

Weā€™re not talking out there mate, youā€™re talking on here. And I would be in a minority on all of those named on here. And Iā€™m quite content with that. Theyā€™re weird pursuits.

I donā€™t have a conflict of conviction regarding my faith - itā€™s unwavering, itā€™s unflappable.

What we are talking about is hypothetical situations, there has been nothing in my life to date that has diminished my belief in God.

Jesus walked among us. Have little green men?

its not a difficult question at all. aliens wont be coming down kid as they dont exist and even if they did why on earth would they say there is no God and how would they even know?

Why have they to be green? Because the movies told you so?

And how do you know the answer to either? What both have in common is you have not seen either with your own eyes. One has been passed down to you through the generations and you believe it because everyone in authority over you growing up drove it into you. Is it true? We donā€™t know besides innuendo. The other has not been revealed by authorites (why would they reveal it though and cause pandemonium amongst religious zealots?) but that is not to say it has not happened. Maybe even the authorities donā€™t know anything much about it.

Iā€™ve given you my answer.

All you are trying to do here is scaremonger about something that most likely will never happen. You seem the type who is terrified of these little green men. Religious zealots are just that. Those of us here are just people of faith.

You canā€™t say that because you donā€™t know for sure. Same as you canā€™t say there is a god as you donā€™t know for sure.

But what i do know is there is physical evidence of phenomena flying in the sky under intelligent control and pulling off unbelievable feats of speed and maneuverability, impossible based on the technology we have available to us today, showing up on radar, and verified by high level witnesses (Pilots, Military personnel) that are not from any other country and has been publicly attested to by numerous actual air forces such as those of countries such as France, Belgium, Brazil, Peru.

Look up it lads itā€™s out there if ye look for it.

Except when it is being carried out by priests.

Weā€™re against any practice of sodomy.

Jesus walked amongst us? Go on, whereā€™s your proof/evidence for that? There has been no record of him to date.

It was in the Life of Brian

So were the little green men.
