The official Roman Catholic thread

No guesswork, personal experience backed up by evidence. Studies show that 95% of women who have an abortion believe afterwards it was the right decision for them.

See the difference? An opinion based on evidence, as opposed to an opinion based on the twisted logic of a sick mind.

I don’t think they’re really connected. One is a belief, rightly or wrongly- like believing in the right to choose, and the other is what you get up to day to day. Talking with that number of women about something so deeply personal would surprise me, unless it was in a professional or advocacy position.

Believing that terminating an early stage pregnancy is murder and the woman should be punished for it is not the same as holding a pro-choice position. The latter is rational, the former is irrational.

I’ve lived most of my adult life in the US, in a very liberal state. Abortion is not a taboo subject, many women speak quite openly about it. Anyway, my personal experience is hardly what matters, the fact that 95% of women who have had abortions believe afterwards they made the right decision is surely what matters. It sort of defeats the “hugely regrets” argument, when of course is a male projection.

Here’s an interesting thought experiment for the Catholics:

The official Roman Catholic position is that human life begins at conception and a “soul” is infused at the moment of conception. This is the basis for opposition to abortion at any stage of pregnancy, even in the first days or weeks.

Research studies show that 90% of all fertilized human eggs are naturally aborted, mostly embryos after implantation. Based on the number of live births per year, that’s about 250 million “babies” that are aborted per year, or roughly 11 billion since Roe v Wade in 1974, more than the entire population of an already overcrowded earth.

Leaving aside the obvious question as to why God is such an abortionist, can one of the Catholics among us tell us where all these 11 million souls have gone to, given that limbo is apparently out of vogue?

Is it manslaughter if you fap up her back?

No, sperm don’t have souls.

It’s two different issues.

I still think it’s strange but sure look.

So do you believe it is equally rational to hold the belief that an early stage abortion is murder and the women should be punished, or to hold the belief that a woman has the right to terminate an unwanted early stage pregnancy, say in the first few weeks after conception? Given that about 250 million natural abortions occur every year? Who should be charged with those murders?

You’re very naive.

If I were you I’d be more concerned to why Joe Canning shat the toggs and didn’t put over that point last August. Get your peer review for that.

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He lobbed it in going for the win, good chance it could have ended up in the net given how Limerick were shitting the togs at the time and praying for the final whistle.

What’s your favourite hymn? I used to love the songs we learned in school for the masses growing up,
I love Men sow the fields and the Ar nAthair sung is beautiful

Calm down there, they are two different unconnected issues here.

I think it’s odd that you’ve discussed a personal issue like their own abortion with 12 women but it’s your life so good luck on that one.

I’ve already explained that, women talk quite openly about abortion here, it’s not taboo like in Ireland.

No answer to my question?

Getting a pair of these bad boys for my birthday, always wanted a pair ever since my leader and hero Beinidict #16 was sporting them.
These two lads got it done. True leaders of our time.

What does it have to do with me?

Explaining = losing.

You don’t have to respond, just interested in your opinion.

I couldnt be checking back through all the shite — but did Dandi disclose which of the 10,000 different versions of the new testament that he believes ?

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