The official Roman Catholic thread

There have been no cures at Lourdes. What is your PhD in? Astrology?

has there

Miracles, kid. There has been shit loads of them in Lourdes.

it is Great craic with a group

My first lent since my return kid.
Nervous but pumped.

Nope, afraid not. Itā€™s called spontaneous remission. When you have countless millions of sick people visiting the same spot statistically a small number will get ā€œbetterā€, for a while at least. Sit in a hospital for long enough you will see the same thing happening, except nobody calls it a miracle.


When are you off

Youā€™ve read that on the internet havenā€™t you?
Look it, once your happy kid then Iā€™m happy.

No, spontaneous remission was well established long before the Internet came along.

hon Easter, I am going to Mass on Saturday, amazing


Itā€™s going to be fantastic, my eldest is making his first holy communion this year too. Thatā€™s the grand slam of Catholicism, great times.


@Ambrose_McNulty @Tassotti @Brimmer_Bradley @Matty_Hislop @Ebenezer @Nembo_kid et al
Open to all Catholics.

Any of you lads ever do Lourdes? I think it would be a nice thing to do. Obviously an opportunity to get a good bit of praying in but I often wondered would it helps me with my skin. Any other good pilgrimages to recommend.
Is Medjugorje worth a visit at all.

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Knock is about as far as my pilgrimage experience extends, I intend hitting Lourdes, its unreal the amount of mircales that have occurred there

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Itā€™s on my to do list. A spiritual journey I look forward to taking one day.


Actually iā€™ll probably hold off on Lourdes until I really need it.

A few trips here changed Ciaran Careyā€™s life in ways he never thought possible. Cured him of the demon drink and all. I wouldnā€™t waste a trip there on something as trivial as a mild skin condition though pal. Save it up for a big one. Iā€™d say the likes of Labane would be on the first flight if he found a lump on his bollox.



Was there in 1983. Supposed to be pushing cripples around except there were none the week I was there. They were probably all cured. There were a few lads from XMG with us.

Good Catholics like us have plenty of credit built up, donā€™t deny yourself