The official Roman Catholic thread

is could be probably cure a few homosexuals aswell of their illness too


Yep. Piging out tonight while i can

I donā€™t eat much sweets or that so Iā€™m giving up shouting at my wife and two smaller kids and Iā€™m going to go out of my way to say something positive/complimentary to a different person every day.


Great stuff. Soak it all up and make sure you live these great moments, mate. Iā€™ve been told that the day really flies and it passes some people by completely. Itā€™s like a cup final.

Lourdes is on my bucket list. As is the pilgrimage to Lough Derg.
Iā€™ve been to knock countless times. Iā€™m filled with an inner peace for weeks after one of my visits up there. It unreal.

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I was thinking of giving up bating the wife and kids for lent myself.

I always got confessions any time I went to knock as a young fella. On up then to the basicalla for the mass.
Havenā€™t been in over 30 years now.

Would you allow yourself a little break in your abstinence on Paddys Day? Always used to look forward to a few sweets on paddys day.

Iā€™m hoping to make it up there during mid term. My kids are really wound up about the trip. The eldest lad reckons it could be a game changer spiritually.

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What kind of cafeteria style Catholicism is that? Youā€™re either all in or not at all.

Hadnā€™t thought about it but yes that is the traditional alright.
The early Easter means Paddys day is 5 weeks into it this year.

God would want you to worship St Patrick by having a few sweets and a green cone.

Only immediately after mass though. One bar or a small packet.

Iā€™m trying to take it one day at a time, but not embarrassed to say I had goose pimples when we got him measured for his suit last Saturday.


Not true. Fr McDonagh has been telling the flock for weeks at mass at Star Of The Sea lately that itā€™s a great time for lapsed parents to reconnect with the church when ever they can. The church is adapting to the modern life, itā€™s time you followed suit.

Iā€™m old school mate. You wonā€™t find me sucking on sweets as I climb Croagh Patrick in my bare feet.

Good Catholics climb ā€˜the reekā€™ on the last Sunday in July, not during lent.


The really good ones like myself do it three times a year mate.


Outstanding. Iā€™ve actually done it seven times myself, once barefoot. That barefooted one wonā€™t be repeated.

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@Ambrose_McNulty @Steven_Naimsith
No squabbling lads, any effort is good effort. We are all on the same team here.