The official Roman Catholic thread

I saw a lad in his twenties doing it barefoot the time I climbed it. It looked fucking horrendous. Your feet must have been in bits?

They were. It was the first time doing it. That last section is serious cruelty.

That loose shale must be like walking on broken glass

Once you enter the euphoric ecstasy of oneness with the divine you donā€™t feel a thing.


All jokes aside, itā€™s highly dangerous. At that last section thereā€™s only a narrow path cut into the steep incline with people going both ways. Youā€™d see auld wans in their 70s and 80s crawling up and it might take them 4 hours to get up. First time went with secondary school, two teacher used organise it. The year after my group, a young fella slipped and started down that section. One of the teachers broke his fall but at his cost. He went bouncing down and broke both arms and a leg, including a hape of ribs. The mighty Sean Devlin. He showed such catholic courage and sacrifice that it would bring a tear to your eye. The young fella went on to live a fully life and qualified as a doctor and has saved hundreds of lives since.


Thats a great story and well told.
It reminded me of a good Sunday sermon, you know the type that involves an auld modern day yarn with a bit of a fable thrown in and finished off with the moral of the tale so subtle and cunning that it sends you off into the community thinking with it ingrained into your psyche.
The utter genius of a good Catholic priest.


I would in my bollox. Testicular cancer is one of the easiest cancers to detect and cure. Check your bollox often or better yet have someone check them for you.

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[quote=ā€œHBV, post:453, topic:14079, full:trueā€]

Any of you lads ever do Lourdes? I think it would be a nice thing to do. [/quote]

Not yet but weā€™re going in August. Herself feels sheā€™s up to it so who am I to disagreeā€¦
I raised doubts at the outset, feeling weā€™d be in Croke Park for a q/f at least but Iā€™m told itā€™s Tue/Sat so weā€™re booked.

Fuck me, at ā‚¬1450 for 2 youā€™d be needing Divine intervention big time. A detailed report will follow.

Happy Lent to allā€¦:pint:


Good man Boxty, hope sheā€™s doing well.

What are we off for lent. The missus is off the takeaways so I suppose I am as well, unless Iā€™m a right cunt some evening.

I think Iā€™ll try yogging this evening* for the first time since I injured myself nearly 5 months ago. It wonā€™t be pretty.

*If the weather is ok.

Iā€™m off chocolate, sweets and such like. Iā€™m allowing myself a dessert if Iā€™m out for dinner but I wonā€™t be indulging in any cakes, buns, etc otherwise.

lovely, i hope he makes a shit load of money and remembers the day forever

Would this count as a miracle?


Bit of a moral dilemma here. Ive a big packet of crumbed ham in the fridge and never got around to eating it. It expires today. Will I be forgiven for eating two slices in a sandwich on the day thatā€™s in it? Will the lord understand that it would be a shame to waste this?

Wait until midnight.

Iā€™m off the caffeine for lent. I could have bluffed myself past God and given up sweets or something but thatā€™s a cop out.
Could you abstain from caffeine @KinvarasPassion? You seem to appreciate you coffee hit most days.

No Iā€™m too particular about food going bad, thatā€™s pushing the envelope too much to wait that long. I think Iā€™ll have to go for it, its now or never. Its OK right?

I had some bacon earlier and iā€™ve survivedā€¦ You have to remember that no-where in the bible does it say anything about fasting or giving up anything for lentā€¦ thatā€™s a very recent and man made ā€˜ruleā€™ -

Iā€™d say youā€™ll be fine - all the saints over the ages never practiced fasting or giving up anything for lent and they are all partying in Heavenā€¦ apparently.

I had a slice of ham and a slice of turkey with my toast and two fried eggs and avocado and cheese this morning. It was lovely. Iā€™m not a catholic though.