The official Roman Catholic thread

Cheers lads I’m going for it.

Complete abstention from meat for me today. It’s one day of the year and there’s no way I won’t make my sacrifices

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When you isolate it, it’s one.

But yeah, good Friday as well.

What’s the significance of not eating meat?

Abstention, sacrifice.

you have us confused with another crowd kid, we ate the pig. in fact we ate it and sing about it from the rooftops.
the lord will understand.

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Why not all food for 24hrs…that would be a real sacrifice…why meat specifically?

Ask God.


ill be practicing moderation to day, just like yesterday, the day before yesterday and the day before that.
luckily im not a gluton and i love fish

I will… Has he ever answered anyone tho?

Yes, he has.

Go on, who?


Triple tiered - ham, peppers, red onion, tomatoes, cucumber, mustard. Honrale.


Wow… what did he/she say to you, pal? Did he/she ring you or email or what? And why you and not the millions of others that ask him ridiculous questions everyday? Have you told the pope about this?

Disappointing to see people posting pictures of meat on the thread on this day. Its obviously an attempt to be antagonistic towards the belief of the Roman Catholics of the forum. I have no issue with others doing as they wish on this fast day, live and let live and all that, but this is just in bad taste really.

Only a few weeks ago I prayed to him for help with the John Bruton COTY campaign and within hours a flock of priests arrived voting for Bruton.

I had my answer there.


Is @Rocko god? :open_mouth:

There’ll be no ham in hell