The official Roman Catholic thread

I disagree actually it tasted really good.

Iā€™m still here lads i didnā€™t burst into flames after eating it. Might have another cup of tea now actually. Hon religion.

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Mate, I am getting an average 5 hours sleep most nights so caffeine will not be part of the Lenten sacrifice.

Kicking processed sugar to onside however will be the begginging of my spirtual journey.

Any of ye get the ashes today lads?

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Iā€™m abstaining from crisps for the duration of Lent.

Itā€™s not for any religious reason but my step son is giving up chocolate so I must do something similar to set a good example.

Very unfair hiding this in the Roman Catholic thread.

Thereā€™s practically more non Catholics posting in here that there is Catholic!

Im off:

All forms of sugar & bread

Im on:

2 5km runs a day
Guided meditation at night


Itā€™s a bloody disgrace.

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Iā€™m in a kind of similar situation buddy. Helping out at home for the calving pressure period.
These days if have 3 or 4 cups before id make it into work.
Itā€™ll be a challenge alright but if it makes me a better Catholic Iā€™ll be happy.


We have had our e-differences pal but I wish you well in this time of cleansing.

Will food go off at 00:00 or 00:01 on itā€™s expiry date?

I think thereā€™s a fairly big margin of error, youā€™d definitely be ok till 00.05

one meal and 2 collations for me today


Had a fish and chips for lunch.

Did you take it away?

No mate, sure Iā€™m off take aways

Got off on a technicality. Nice one :ronnyroar:

On a serious note though, you and your girlfriend seem to be eating an awful lot of takeaways since your return to limerick. Iā€™d hazard a guess yeā€™ve put on a few pounds. This lenten promise to stay away from takeaways can only be a good thing for your health, and ultimately, your relationship.


Outrageous post

Iā€™m looking resplendent mate thanks for asking.

Iā€™m delighted to hear it. I note you purposefully omitted to mention your girlfriend though. Say no more.