The official Roman Catholic thread

The last time I was at Mass on a Holy Thursday, John Carthy was couped up in a house in Abbeylara with a gun.


Yes indeed,ik lucky to class him as a friend
Had a chat last Sat with him
He was one of the brothers this morning

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Each to his own

Yeah sounds like a nice fella from what I hear.

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He’d be full to the gills with liqour waxing away in those minor presentations. Twas many the times the guards caught him drink driving around Thurles and brought him home…by all accounts.

He brought great razzmatazz to those occasions.

Another great tradition lost.

Any lads who used to be altar boys?

This was our Everest.

You’d do the mass and feet washing ritual Thursday, the younger lads would do the kids station of the cross Good Friday morning and the senior lads would do the marathon Good Friday stations.

All while sneaking drinks of altar wine in the sacristy and avoiding being raped.


Or the Pierse Motors breakdown truck pull out his Audi from a ditch

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You’d get off school to cut palms for Palm Sunday off a tree in the church grounds. Double session on a Good Friday, stations in the afternoon and devotions in the evening. Vigil mass on Saturday night and back in on the Sunday. ‘‘Twas all go.

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Savage memories.

Funerals were epic, facing down against the congregation after mass and being exposed to that level of grief at a young age was grounding.

Easter was a roller-coaster, the seriousness of good Friday to the celebration of Saturday/ Sunday… the fire before Saturday evening Mass being the highlight and the lighting of the pascal candle.


The cathedral used to get all funerals and weddings so it attracted the mercenaries. I served at the Abbey where an answer to an odd prayer was all we asked for. We played the Cathedral in soccer a couple of times. They had by far the better players but we always got the better of them. They were a team of individuals and besides we had God on our side…

There were plenty of Brothers/monks in our place. Never a hint of anything untoward and they were very good to us. One Fr Damo type chap from Dublin told us he was Larry Mullen’s brother. We didn’t believe him at first but he kept saying it so we eventually believed him. No internet back then. Damo was having us on. I look back on those days with fondness.


What was the name of the Irish speaking commentator who used to cover the Minor Finals on RTÉ back in the 00’s? He had a very distinctive voice. He had a very memorable way of pronouncing “Aonghus Callinan” , “Richie Hogan” or other such luminaries of that era.

Michael O Se


We used to have the Novena as well. With the petrol shortages in 1979 we borrowed a couple of Redemptorists and ran three sessions a day for nine days in June. The place was mobbed. I’m talking a big church, not some Mickey Mouse operation.


You really had to be on top of your game to ring the bell at the right time or you’d get some awful dirty looks.


We used to go through a bottle of wine every second day. The PP was an alcoholic so the housekeeper never batted an eyelid when we went in for another bottle.
One lad would never touch it, a big lump of a lad. We kept at him for months. Eventually we persuaded him to neck it and just as he did, in walked the pp and kicked the shit out of him.
Another Sunday evening we were serving benediction and got a fit of the giggles. He arrived up to the school the following morning and brought us out one by one and kicked us around the staffroom for 5 minutes.
Weddings were the only gig we were interested in, nice twine to be made.


I feel like a new man after that Holy Thursday mass



Here’s some straight from Rome last Sunday. Couldn’t quite wrap my head around the bikies doing security detail tho…


Did a few courses with him,
Last July another,week long intensive but extremely enjoyable,
Introduction to Christology ( highly recommended)

Anyway this dry balls on the course with me says " Fr Phillip"
What’s the official RC take on tattoos?
Answer -as long as it’s not hateful, satanic etc ,it’s not a bother.

Dry balls,let’s call him Fergus say’s " ah yeah Fr ,but what’s the official line on it?

Cunt wouldn’t let it go( I’d a verbal with him ref politics earlier,and I’m covered with body art .

Fr Phillip,cool as cucumber, to lla up the sleeve on the podium,and says
Well Fergus what do u think of this?:grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:
None other than a big fuck off Celtic cross on his arm​:muscle::muscle:

Sickening to dry balls Fergus,
But glorious for me to see the cunt squirm.