The official Roman Catholic thread

A sore thumb indeed. They must have been more trusting of outsiders pre 1969, but it’d be hard to suspect a 13yr old from clare was a plant. Still alive afaik, but no idea where he’s holed up since Colm passed. Himself and Josephine hayden were an item for years but I think that ship sailed after the last prison term.

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Pity about him
In truth there’s lots like him,
Forgotten and fucked up,
I’ve a close friend back inside for the 5/6 th time
Including internment in long kesh,
Crumlin road,
H blocks
Maghaberry atm at his majesty’s pleasure
Aka he’s fucked
He’s over 67

Kieran McLaughlin Derry
My friend ex prisoner now a qualified solicitor dealing with prisoners welfare was trying to get him to conform,
Play the game and at least he would see the end game ,
But no he’s too stubborn and set in his ways
Mentally damaged aswell,
Paranoid as fuck
He will more than likely end up dying inside-
For nothing
As the boys outside in SF etc are all GFA men
Well looked after financially and every other way,
But Kieran etc are left to rot.

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It’s a pity. Some lads, that’s all that gets the blood running. Too traumatised to adapt to the normal drudgery of life. There’s near zero support for armed struggle currently, the surveillance techniques of the british are so outrageously good now, compared to pre-GFA as a result of the aftermath of 9/11 and the jihadi war. The brits are desperate to unload NI, and one of the next Labour governments will make it happen. Gerry Adams made an announcement in a pub in Gortahork around two decades ago that there’d be a united Ireland within 25yrs. I’d say he’s going to be a few years off the mark, but not too many. The lads in active service for the dissidents at the moment remind me of american soldiers at the closing stages of the Vietnam war.

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Now to some folk that those described as ‘ dissidents’
Are this n that,
And I agree that it’s done
But I’ve good friends still at it
But going nowhere-
The few I respect that are still at it have a few things in common

  • hatred of SF
    ( too much money and looking after the good boys etc etc/ jobs- houses)
    All are ex prisoners
    Ex provo and INLA
    Old- 56-70

No where else to go-
I mean the state decent Irish ppl
2 were shot by the British :uk: invaders way back
2 different incidents
One was kidnapped by the provisionals
We got him back , but if they went forward with a court martial he’d have been executed,
We made it clear from Cork/ Limerick/SA , Fermanagh/STyrone ,Donegal and Derry what would happen if they topped him,
( cunts previously executed a friend/ comrade in Belfast
Joe Joe o Connor,
Similar was never going to happen again,
So u can see the mindset -
I’was exactly the same at one time,
Luckily I changed- pride is stopping them

It’ll go onnnnnnnnnnn and onnnnnnnnnnnnnn

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Watched that last night
Lot of sadness in our history

Yeah, hatred of SF. It’s sometimes hard to sit in their company even if you do love them when they obsess over Adams, McGuinness, Kelly etc etc being long term touts. They might have been, but most likely confusing negotiating with the brits with passing information, but even failed attempts at negotiating are scorned with the anti-agreement crews.
Yeah, the provos executed their own willy nilly and the whole house was going to come down when they took the deal, such was the level of infiltration by informers.
A lot of anti-agreement crews filled with families of those killed too. Jordans, McGlincheys etc.
Lots of sadness indeed. I was mates with one of Kevin Lynch’s nieces in New York. The hurling team in Dungiven brings a lot of light into the extended family to help with the grief.

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Looks like it’ll be dead within a generation. Great to see.

Don’t think so
Our church is flourishing
As is my old one in Carrigaline

Future doesn’t look great. Whether thats a good or a bad thing is a matter of personal opinion.

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Reckon that’s her bro there ( Kevin Lynchs nephew)
They live in Cork now
His sis and a few kids

Better with quality than quantity

Ohhhhhhhh bitterness
That being so
Why bring your relations to get churched

I’ll avoid all of those if I have the choice. It’s a disgrace they have such an influence on education.

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I know it’s a personal choice
I should’ve not answered too quickly
But that’s my belief
One man’s meat’s another’s poison
I’m not at all blind to what went on
Neither is Jesus

The Pope is looking us all to put our shoulder to the wheel

Fuck sake, he never said what prayer to say.

Dont think it matters so long as you’re facing mecca

Come in, Skydaddy. Over.