The official Roman Catholic thread

Shur the whole thing’s a farce anyway

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Welcome back!


The poor man probably wants to retire but the bishop won’t let him.

A priest said this?? A savage hypocrisy he called it???

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There was a debate there on religion in schools on prime time the other night or maybe it was questions and answers, Katie Hannon moderated it. Anyway aodhan o Riordan and some teacher talked about the need to remove “religious ethos” (catholicism) out of schools. Various misfits and oddballs made bonkers statements against this. There was one lady on the panel who was part of a woman’s conservative organisation and a writer for a Catholic pamphlet or something who became more and more agitated as she spoke, I think as she realised how much she was rambling and how increasingly ludicrous her points were. There was some extremely nervous dimwit junior minister whose defence to aodhan’s criticisms were that Ireland is a catholic country and therefore most people want to force Catholicism on others in our schools.

It was like listening to something from the early 90s. Generally I tend to think we are a modern progressive country but you’d shudder to think of the impression any foreigner would get of us to have seen it.


Met an 80yr old woman from my locality who is back home visiting from the UK where she spent most of her life. She told me that our local priest in the 60’s/70’s who has since passed used to announce from the altar the names of any of the parishioners who were in relationships with protestant people across the water. Insane. Not sure who was worse, the priest or the cunts that were feeding him the info.


The liberal types like O’Riordain absolutely hate catholics and people of the Christian faith.

He wants it removed from schools and society generally. Never opens his mouth about Islam, Protestantism or any other religions though.

Live and let live, he says. Just as long as it’s not Catholicism.

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A proud Tipp man and alright sort. Welcome back.

That’s right, sure paddy knows how foreigners are much better than us, and they’re all for too forward thinking to see the value in religion.

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Going to my Godson’s confirmation today. The Bishop set the date ages ago but somehow something else has cropped up and the confirmation is being performed/administered/presided over by our local PP as his Lordship cannot attend. It’s amazing the rules they can bend when it suits them.
No objections at all to the PP doing it. The children are delighted with it as they are pretty fond of him. He’s more a farmer and part-time priest really but the priesthood is taking up more of his time in recent years.
He has his own 2 churches to cater for but was covering for the priests in Ballinasloe while they were on retreat a few years back. He was announcing the times of the coming week’s masses for this particular week on the Sunday before it and told the congregation of his commitment to the Ballinasloe retreat. It happened to be the first week of the month and First Friday mass had to be said. Therefore First Friday Mass in our parish church was at 7pm, in his second church half way to Ballinasloe at 7.30 and in St. Michael’s Ballinasloe at 8pm :grinning: some man to go :grinning:


Kinvara connections too.

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Hopefully Aodhan ends up over in Europe and this kind of stuff goes on the scrap heap.

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Exactly. We are a catholic country and communion and confirmation should be done during school time and waste two years of primary school and if any students don’t want to participate they can sit in the corner and face the wall.

That’s really unfortunate. There’s an understanding in various paths that you do your time and the grunt work gets passed on. This is like Consultants doing the work of junior doctors or accountancy partners doing T accounts.

We’ve a very good primary schools system. This makes very little practical difference and things are changing regardless.

Interesting that Aodhan focuses on this nonsense when there is the scourge of Gaelscoil that he supports.

Idiotic post all round.

How so?

Aodhan goes looking for issues (single sex, religious ethos) when they aren’t massive issues. He is proposing to lob a grenade into a system that doesn’t need changing. I’m all in favour of reviewing ethos on a school by school basis and changing to the demographic changes of society, and clearly this happening.

Meanwhile Aodhan cheerleads a new ethos which is a growing issue with social integration.

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Another stupid post.

An extended cousin died on the big schmoke recently. The older generation was much exercised by him being taken to a C of I for the event. Wondering greatly how it had come to pass.

The more observant noted that his wife’s name on RIP was spelt in a protestant format.

They were more interested in his life than his death, for once.

That’s superb