The official Roman Catholic thread

No child abuse scandals today, yet.

The Catholics like it up em.

you could pray to him kid and see if he might help you get your mojo back on here

Devout Catholic Manny Pacquiao just mugged the queers off, mugged them off good and proper.


The homos don’t like it up em

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, grant us peace

Nothing can separate me from the love of God. - Romans 8: 38-39.

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Is she the patron saint of the Magdalene concentration camps? I’d say she was quite popular with the misfortunes incarcerated in Tuam.

The offspring of naughty priests then?

She was an American so it’s the same thing

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I will begin this day.

I thank you Lord for having preserved me during the night.

I will do my best to make all I do pleasing to you and in accordance with your will.

My dear mother Mary, watch over me today. My guardian Angel take care of me, St Joseph and all of you Saints of God pray for me.




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Maybe if you’d all stop tagging me I wouldn’t be in this thread. Why are you all so threatened by my non belief in your god fella? Listen, good for all of you, you’re all saved by your faith in your god and now some of you are pretending to be devout CATHOLICS because it’s cool all of a sudden and while you can swan around on Tinder and ride prossies, you have a get out of jail card with confession to someone wearing a dress and by going back and saying a few rote lines you learned when you were five. I’m glad you have found something that finally makes you feel superior to me. Good for all of you, though the stench of insecurity here is overpowering.

I’m on your side here but that’s a disgraceful post. We are all here on the planet together and if you don’t have the same beliefs as the lads, that’s fine, but show a little bit of respect for them please. You give all non believers a bad name.


Fuck off you horrible little prick.

You’ve an awful lot of anger in you… I’m not saying you need to believe in God but you need some sort of belief system, you are gonna have a mental breakdown if you don’t…

Fuck off you horrible little prick.

Today is the feast day of Blessed Luke Belludi

A top top bloke by all accounts.


Anger is an energy

It’s God btw

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Awww awww awww aaww men
aw aw awaw men

just thought id recite the great Amen there, very motivating after morning passdown

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