The official Roman Catholic thread

A lying, abuse enabling, evasive cunt, but expected given his position (Vatican treasurer). The cunt lived in the same house as the worst priest pedophile in Australia for years but ā€œcanā€™t rememberā€ any specifics of allegations against him. How convenient. ā€œThe church follows the patterns of the societies in which it livesā€ Does it fuck. The church has consistently and systematically ignored and evaded the laws of the societies it lives in, the dense cunts still donā€™t get (or want to get) that this is the major issue decent people have with them, not that there are abusers within the organization (there are abusers in all segments of society), but how they protected and enabled them.


The only way that will happen is if they are ordaining women priests at that point, specializing in happy endings of course. I am sure @HBV would agree.

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Some Kiddie Fiddler was caught snorting coke in a Nazi roomā€¦

Cardinal Pell Day 2 of evidence to the Royal Commission investigating institutional responses to child sex abuse - from Rome as Pell has refused to come back to Australia to give evidence. Some of the survivors of abuse have instead travelled to Rome to hear him in person.
Pell is not your average run of the mill Cardinal by the way, he is the Prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy within the Holy See, essentially this is the CFO of the Roman Catholic Church.

In summary, he knew nothing, heā€™s thrown a number of other people under the bus and really any widespread child abuse perpetrated by catholic clergy wasnā€™t of any interest to him. Counsel for the Commission, Gail Furness is tearing him asunder.

He lived in the same house as Gerald Ridsdale, a monster who sexually abused over 100 children, some as young as four. He was in the College of Consultors in the diocese of Ballarat that moved Ridsdale to different parishes 6 times. When in 1993, Ridsdale was charged with the indecent assault of a minor, Pell accompanied him to court. Pell was an auxilliary Bishop at the time, not exactly a foot soldier. Pell claimed not to have known what Ridsdale was charged with and it came as a shock to him as he never for a minute realised that Ridsdale had been raping young children since the 1960ā€™s, despite a mountain of evidence and testimony that it was common knowledge within the Catholic Church.

So Pell, a man with an extraordinary ability to forget everything and yet still implicate others, is now in charge of the global finances of the Roman Catholic Church and a close confidant of the current Pope. A great bunch of lads.

Itā€™s wonderful to think that for the first time in our 2000 year history, weā€™re on the cusp of finally getting rid of the last vestige of scum from within our church. All the dirty fucking peados and their minders will have been routed out and weā€™re going to enter a golden age of Catholicism.

All hail Frances the reformer!


Youā€™ve got to pay the reparations first pal.

We have a bank full of nazi gold, Fitzy. Weā€™ll be grand.

Well I suppose, you did have a Nazi pope. When are you going to start sharing it with the hundreds of thousands of victims of clerical child abuse?

The current lad has a checkered past as well. During his time in Argentina the Catholic church backed the military dictatorship that disappeared hundreds and tortured thousands. Iā€™m sure he has no recollection of it though. Recently fast tracked the canonization of the Spanish cunt Junipero Serra whose only ā€œmiracleā€ was helping to decimate the Native American population and their culture.

Itā€™s astonishing the blind spot Catholics have for abuse and cover up of abuse, and the horrendous history of this horrible fascist organization.

Iā€™m sure heā€™s a very nice man and very sincere in what heā€™s trying to do, but all the window dressing in the world doesnā€™t altar the fact that despite the radical changes he has allegedly made to open up the Catholic Church, they still refuse to seriously address paying up for the systematic, church endorsed and enabled abuse they perpetrated. Nothing really changes, the church itself, rather than itā€™s victims, is the priority.

A golden era beckons

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Find me a person who hasnā€™t done things in the past they regret, and Iā€™ll find you a liar

[quote=ā€œFitzy, post:771, topic:14079ā€]
church endorsedā€¦abuseā€¦[/quote]

Disgusting comment.

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No blind spot. My faith is in God. Anyone who abuses a child should be excommunicated and then shot.
But faith and love is completly independent. Itā€™s like the gaa. I adore the game of hurling. I worship it. But that doesnā€™t mean I am responsible for or agree with or Excuse everything paraic Duffy does.

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Some heavy stuff there for sureā€¦

Read some of Cardinal Pellā€™s comments. Youā€™ll be rightly disgusted by them.

Having a quiet, reflective and prayerful night. God is great but you only truly realise this when you make the time to communicate with him. Padre Pio knew the score.


Incredible thread. Lads in here breaking their rules all over the place, on a daily basis, even when posting. Some lads that seem like intelligent lads. As they say, u couldnt make it up

I have two sporting/community engagements tomorrow morning so if I am doing mass tomorrow it needs to be the 8.30am edition.
I am bulling for a good mass though so Iā€™ll probably forsake my planned lie in and probably forsake some sex with the wife too.

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blessed are they that have kept the flesh chaste, for they shall become a temple of God

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