The official Roman Catholic thread

+1. Iā€™m heading to a St Patrickā€™s Day mass in Irish.

Get to sing a bit of DĆ³chas Linn Naomh PĆ”draig. Canā€™t fucking wait.

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I used to have great faith in God when I was a young lad in primary school, need to get back into that.

As you get older you realise especially with kids how important it is, even for your mental wellbeing having God there on your side no matter what he has your back.

Many turn to drink and drugs etc and it doesnā€™t fix the problem either generally makes it worse. Iā€™m beginning to realise people need religion in their life.


unreal, youā€™ve nailed it, the likes of @ChocolateMice thinks heā€™ll find the answer in a bottle or in a joint, he is sadly mistaken

Lovely post.

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Iā€™ve questioned God like many others for years pal, but I was wrong.

For the peace of mind you canā€™t beat it, Iā€™m going to start slowly with a few prayers before I go to sleep but I will attend mass on Paddyā€™s day, and at least twice over Easter.

I had huge faith when I was younger, lost it in my early teens but Iā€™ll get it back.


Great stuff, mate. Similar to the fitness thread, post up your praying times. Theyā€™ll take ages at first as you learn them all again but youā€™ll be rattling through them in no time. I can do 5 prayers in less than 90 seconds now.


Yeah, god has really been there for the 11 million Syrian people who in recent years have been either killed or displaced. That figure arguably could be higher given the pre war population was 23 million. Outside of that 11 million killed or displaced or drowning in the Mediterranean the rest are living in extreme poverty in cities and towns that are reduced to ruins, starving and thirsty due to lack of food and water, no electricity, poor sanitary conditions. Not to mention the kids in hospitals with severe burns or missing limbs due to bombings. But yeah, Iā€™m sure they have great comfort knowing god has their backs.


Try to get there at least twice a month.
The saddest thing Ive seen was a couple of years ago when my youngest made her communion. The neighbours are aethists and refused to let their daughter make it. She was terribly upset that morning.
I have nothing against aethiasm but I would raise my kids with the faith until theyre old enough to choose for themselves


Noticed to myself today that something iā€™ve started doing again the past couple years is blessing myself passing a church or a graveyard and especially a funeral. Iā€™d say I stopped doing if for 30 odd years,. iv huge regrets about that, especially the funerals.


Thanks mate, Iā€™ve realised I need God back in my life, thereā€™s always been something missing the more I think about it since I lost touch with him 17/18 years ago - material shit, drink, drugs doesnā€™t give you a sense of true happiness/wellbeing.

Appreciate the kind posts from the lads here, Iā€™m looking forward to mass on Thursday now.

You can thank Facebook, twitter and softcock liberals for the state of Syria. Sure ye weā€™re all clappin yourselves on the back at democracy in action during the Arab spring. Look at the fucking state of the whole place now.

Itā€™s quite interesting the level of outrage some of the RCs have towards any criticism of their beliefs. The word bigoted was even used over on Rockoā€™s banning threat thread. Lads, itā€™s only possible to be bigoted in the religious sense if you are religious to begin with. Religious believe my God is better than your God, and you are inferior because of that.

Non believers, or atheists for that matter, are not religious, so by definition cannot be bigoted. The only thing they can be accused of is being rational.


A brilliant and if I may say so, quite rational, argument there Labane. I would like all the fuckers who have called me bigoted in relation to religion to apologise and call me a rationalist instead. Come at me fuckers.


I see we had a few lost sheep in overnight from the colonies. They want to be found.


its funny the way they are immigants too, they have lost their way in life,Iā€™ll pray for Fitzy and Labane on Sunday

The Syrians believe in a false God.


what has any of that to do with the Catholic Church or God forbid a few lads in Ireland who get a bit of comfort and solace from their religious beliefs?
Jesus Christ but if @ChocolateMice s pussy had kittens the Lord God would be blamed for it round here.

What happens then is these kids grow up, engage with reason and realize it was all a shamā€¦ what some schools have started doing is teaching their kids mindfulness, a tool they can really use throughout their life ā€¦