The official Roman Catholic thread

That’s very nice of you mate, thanks for that. I’m not sure what it does, but the thought is appreciated.

Give this one a good blast at mass today.


Hail, glorious St. Patrick, dear saint of our isle,
On us thy poor children bestow a sweet smile;
And now thou art high in the mansions above,
On Erin’s green valleys look down in thy love.

(optional repeat)
On Erin’s green valleys, on Erin’s green valleys,
On Erin’s green valleys look down in thy love.

Hail, glorious St. Patrick, thy words were once strong
Against Satan’s wiles and a heretic throng;
Not less is thy might where in Heaven thou art;
Oh, come to our aid, in our battle take part!

In a war against sin, in the fight for the faith,
Dear Saint, may thy children resist to the death;
May their strength be in meekness, in penance, and prayer,
Their banner the Cross, which they glory to bear.

Thy people, now exiles on many a shore,
Shall love and revere thee till time be no more;
And the fire thou hast kindled shall ever burn bright,
Its warmth undiminished, undying its light.

Ever bless and defend the sweet land of our birth,
Where the shamrock still blooms as when thou wert on earth,
And our hearts shall yet burn, wherever we roam,
For God and St. Patrick, and our native home.


And this one

Dóchas linn Naomh Pádraig aspal mór na hÉireann,
Ainm oirearc gléigeal, solas mór an tsaoil é.
D’fhill le soiscĂ©al grĂĄ dĂșinn d’ainneoin blianta i ngĂ©ibheann.
Grá mór Mhac na páirte, d’fhuascail cách ón daorbhruid.

SlĂ©ibhte, gleannta mĂĄighe, 's bailte mĂłr na hÉireann,
Ghlan sĂ© iad go deo dĂșinn, mĂ­le glĂłir dĂĄr naomh dhil.
Iarrmaid ort, a PhĂĄdraig, guĂ­ orainne Gaela,
Dia linn lá 'gus oíche 's Pádraig Aspal Éireann.

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A few quick questions for you

If God had a name, what would it be?
Would you call it to his face?

If you were faced with him in all him glory - what would you ask if you had just one question?


How were the likes of you ever let in the door by the Sisters Faithful Companions of Jesus nuns in Bunclody?

I’d ask him if there was any chance of us winning an All Ireland.

We believe in one God,
the Father, the Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
and of all that is, seen and unseen

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God,
eternally begotten of the Father,
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made,
one in Being with the Father.
Through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation,
he came down from heaven:

by the power of the Holy Spirit
he was born of the Virgin Mary,
and became man.

For our sake he was crucified
under Pontius Pilate;
he suffered died and was buried.

On the third day he rose again
in fulfillment of the Scriptures;

he ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory
to judge the living and the dead,
and his kingdom will have no end.


'Cos the vocational school wouldn’t have me. Sure half the teachers at the FCJ were atheists as well.

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@KinvarasPassion - I attended a service recently by the parish priest of Kinvara. He gave an excellent sermon and some of the wisdom he imparted wouldn’t be out of place on the self-help thread. Spoke to him afterwards and he came across as a thoroughly alright sort.

It wouldn’t tempt me to “rejoin the flock”, but it was nice to see the odd parish having a decent skin as the pp. Plenty of places poisoned with bitter old fuckers that dictate from the pulpit.

Yeah, he appears a decent sort and knows his place well and his sermons are largely relevant and realistic. We’ll be christening in a few weeks so I’ll get a chance to meet him, wouldn’t know him that well.

embrace it

He’s a lovely fella, really progressive modern day priest. He even has a Gmail account :astonished:

Who told you this?

I’m only back in the game myself after the guts of 25 years. The priests of today are in most cases the solid finest. In two years I haven’t seen or heard of one like you describe. Iv met and listened to many top top priests, sound men the lot of them. They have adapted I feel. You are talking nonsense.

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Not sure if you’re being serious, but on the assumption you are I’ll just refer to the party-line stance that pp.s have taken on abortion. I personally find it vile to hear a supposedly celibate man dictating to a woman as to what she should or should not do with her body. Plenty of women (whether through no fault of their own, or through an act of stupidity, or whatever) end up needing to go down this particular route. They need support, not vilification. One pp I had the misfortune of listening to at an anniversary mass for a family member went way over-board on the abortion rhetoric. It was sickening for me to have to listen to it. But, imagine what it would have been like for women - especially those who had to travel to England in secrecy - having to listen to that sort of thing. That is far from sound.

Anyway, I don’t think you need me in here having a go at the church.

abortion is disgusting, its murder, its up to us to protect the sanctity of life

Funeral mass today to bury an old friend. The traditional Irish funeral, though long winded, has been a massive consolation to the family. He was a great character and they’ve laughed and cried in near equal measure. It definitely takes the sting out of the loss.

I suppose all the heathens calling in here mocking the church will benefit from this too.

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I’ve always said it @Ambrose_McNulty, they love to knock the church but when there’s someone to be anointed on their deathbed or a glitzy church wedding they seem to forget their cynicism and fully embrace our Lord.


This approach seems at odds with the stance you’ve taken in the terrorism thread.


Muslims Terrorists aren’t people