The official Roman Catholic thread

You have dangerous views, and I suspect you’re in the majority.

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Iv never heard a priest mention abortion.

I very much doubt you have either.

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Palm Sunday lads, only a week to the big one, the resurrection of our Lord


Let us come to Him and let us not be afraid! Let us come to Him and say from the depths of our hearts: “Jesus, I trust in You!”


Epic gospel today, never gets old.

But the whole crowd shouted, “Away with this man! Release Barabbas to us!"

You asked for an example, you got one. Jog on.

I heard a lovely latin mass on the radio while driving to the airport this morning.

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I’d say it set you right up for the day

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Good and proper mate. Good and proper.

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Stay out of here with your made up stories, we don’t want you.

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How very christian of you.

“Made up stories”? Ffs. Were the clerical abuse victims making it up? Or the women and kids that were beaten by nuns making it up. Are you sure you’re not a bishop?


Your story was made up . Priests nowadays don’t really act like you are indicating in your made up story.
Take it from me, I’m a mass goer, you are not.

Ah FFS @HBV don’t you know it’s rude to reply to ironmoth before labane has had a chance or visa versa.

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Isn’t that what the paedo priests were telling young fellas?_



Murder is defined as the unlawful killing of a human being. In civilized countries like the one you live in, and claim to embrace, the courts have ruled that up to the point of viability a developing embryo/fetus is not a human being, and more importantly that a woman has the legal right to terminate a pregnancy.

You can argue that abortion is wrong morally but to call it murder is the rhetoric you hear from uneducated morons. Think about what you are saying, calling women who make the difficult decision to terminate a pregnancy murderers is not just incorrect, it’s reprehensible. Coming from Roman Catholics, the church of pedophile enablers and women’s concentration camps, its truly disgusting.

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The whole of Christianity is made up, pal… don’t tell the idiots tho.

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I’ll take nothing from you. Your moral compass, or at least that of your online persona, is literally the polar opposite of the “christian values” you supposedly espouse. In between the odd post that taps into the common sense, you regularly come across as a hate-filled individual. Has Jesus not filled you with his love?

Quick question before I sign off… Would you let one of these modern “nowadays” priests take your young lad to a football game, or out for an ice cream?

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Your hero is Padraig Pearse, a nonce of some renown. We’ve cleansed ourselves of our little problem.

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