The official Roman Catholic thread

thereā€™s perverts in every walk of life, in every organisation, theres something very disturbing about the way these lads are obsessed with sex abuse


What a bizarre outlook you have. Your a bit of a sick cunt too. Going round branding all priests as paedos. You prick.
Iv never met a paedophile priest, the ones I know personally are grand fellas doing their best.
Do you know many paedophile priests yourself? You must have an imaginary story about one?

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It just underlines the humanity of the Church. They attack the Church for some noncery, as if the Church are the only ones with that problem in the history of mankind, because they canā€™t attack the message.

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What message is that, Tim?

Is there any evidence that Pearse was a practicing pedophile? I think itā€™s reasonable to conclude he was sexually attracted to young boys from his writings but is there evidence he actually acted out his desires? Roughly 4% of men have pedophile tendencies, the distinction is whether they abuse or not. Pearse is no hero of mine as he was first and foremost a rabid Nationalist but if he was an abuser he was in good company as he was also a devout Catholic. There is no evidence he was an abuser though, so to make the accusation is scurrilous.

He kissed his students pal. Itā€™s documented history, you should maybe read a book sometime instead of pursuing your agenda against the Church.

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God almighty, this would turn your stomach


by Padraig Pearse.

Little lad of the tricks,
Full well I know
That you have been in mischief:
Confess your fault truly.

I forgive you, child
Of the soft red mouth:
I will not condemn anyone
For a sin not understood.

Raise your comely head
Till I kiss your mouth:
If either of us is the better of that
I am the better of it.

There is a fragrance in your kiss
That I have not found yet
In the kisses of women
Or in the honey of their bodies.

Lad of the grey eyes,
That flush in thy cheek
Would be white with dread of me
Could you read my secrets.

He who has my secrets
Is not fit to touch you:
Is not that a pitiful thing,
Little lad of the tricks ?

A poem is not evidence that he did anything. Show me the evidence he had any sexual contact with minors.

jesus christ heā€™s writing poems about banging the arse off young fellaā€™s

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Do you have that link handy? The one about the ā€œVirgin Birthā€ of jesus being grounded in Paganism and a whole host of other religions having the exact same astro-theological symbolism.

Correct, about 4% of all men have pedophilic tendencies. The distinction is whether they act out on those tendencies or not, and if they abuse whether they are held accountable. What is troubling about the RC church is the enabling and protection of abusers, moving serial abusers around to allow them abuse again, the disregard for the law of the land, a problem that goes all the way to the top of the organization. Itā€™s a disgusting organization.

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Take that up with the Sunday Independent pal. Interesting reading today.

The poem shows what a sickening freak he was. The Church have had to deal with these kind of people sullying their name for 2 millennia now but still comes out stronger.

I wouldnā€™t use that rag to wipe my arse. Iā€™m not defending Pearse just pointing out there is no evidence he abused anyone. Unlike the thousands of animals protected and enabled by your church who raped countless thousands worldwide. The cognitive dissonance on this issue by Catholics is staggering.


a special treat lads, a full length Mass


You are wrong.

There is primary evidence from his students regarding him kissing them on the lips. Interviews with the biographer on RTE and elsewhere.

Sweep sweep.

Itā€™s all over the interweb, palā€¦ thousands of books on itā€¦ itā€™s taught in universities all over the world. Christianity is the biggest sham in the world, but donā€™t be falling for the lads here on the wind up. Youā€™re only wasting your energy, pal.

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Jesus, Garry Glitter wouldnā€™t come up with that filth!

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labanes hero. now he is disowning him

why are these losers posting in here anyway? why donā€™t they start a thread about banging the arse of young lads if they are so interested in it?

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Trying to educate you mate and free you from the mental illness of a delusional belief system.