The official Roman Catholic thread

my faith only gets stronger the more you post

I’m actually a big fan of Labane, and i’d love for him to come back into the fold. Would it help if I sent him over a nice set of rosary beads?


As I said I am no fan of Pearse but carry on with your delusion. You are the one making the claim about Pearse, back it up with evidence. A tabloid rag article isn’t evidence. Throw up the name of the biographer and I’ll take a look.

They are losers. They can’t handle lads being happy and getting a bit of comfort from something like Catholicism. It’s why they post in here all the time trying to belittle us. It drives them gaga.

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Why would we start a new thread when the RCC are the world champions at it?

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Ruth Dudley Edwards, one of his biographers

If you don’t like the Sindo, try the Irish Times

You’re one of those lads who puts his head in the sand when confronted with evidence and logic. Sad!

Lolz.quoting de dud

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You’re very conflicted. On one hand you see yourself as the good christian, but on the other hand you cannot enter a basic debate without resorting to name-calling.

I never branded all priests paedos, and thankfully I don’t know any. Are you afraid to answer the question? Would you let your young lad off with a priest unsupervised? You would in your hole. Your missus would probably cut the balls off you. And she’d have every right to. Although not all priests are paedos, the pope has even said that 2% of clergy in the catholic church are paedophiles ffs! And he probably under-cooked that statistic.

The facts speak for themselves. From the top down, the vatican has facilitated a culture of child abuse, abuse of women, murder, etc. The list is as endless as your use of the word “cunt”. The organisation you’re defending - and it is that: an organisation has a main purpose of fear and control. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

As soon as I heard about the systemic child abuse in the church, and its facilitation and cover-up by the higher-ups, I did what I deem to be a sensible move: I walked the fuck away from a very sick and rotten organisation.


That’s not Dudley above pal. She is one of his biographers though who says it.

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Fair enougj then

Ruth Dudley Edwards :joy:
Maybe Pearse was a homosexual, nothing wrong with that unless you share the homophobic views of some of the morons on this site. Linking homosexuality and pedophilia is a common tactic of the RCC and its apologists. It’s based on ignorance of sexual matters, unsurprising coming from men running around in dresses.

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That is so far over the line pal, it’s not even funny. Post duly reported.

That isn’t Ruth Dudley Edwards pal

I have questioned your blather about ‘all these priests dictating about abortion’ ‘all these priests who are paedos’ etc
Both proven fabricated lies by yourself to justify your decision to walk away from God because of something that has nothing to do with him. Bizarre carry on.

I wouldn’t leave any small child alone with a man I don’t know, be they a RC priest, Jewish rabbi, a wexford swimming coach or even a signatory of the Irish proclamation. Who in their right mind would do that you idiot?

Saying that it’s comforting to hear that just 2% of RC priests are paedos considering research conducted and presented by this forums own @anon7035031 has found that 4%of all men have paedophile tendancies.
Unpublished summary …The RC Church = one of the least likely organisations to abuse a child in the current era.
Hon the Catholic church, fuck the begrudgers. Heathen bastsrds.



I didn’t ask you about leaving a small child with a man you didn’t know, did I? Let me phrase the question in simple terms. As a mass-goer, and someone who claims to know about priests nowadays, would you leave your kid with one of these ‘grand fellas’? Yes or no?

I’ll give you one thing - you might be right to have reduced concerns about paedophile priests. As Doug Stanhope said: "With all the horrible, horrible shit that your priest is pumping into your kid’s head, his dick should be the least of your worries, honestly. That’s just a little mouthwash and a few years of therapy’ll get rid of that. That Jesus shit will torture you for a lifetime."

Keep on trucking!! :thumbsup:

You haven’t rephrased it you monkey, it’s the same question and my answer remains.
Do you think because I have faith that I must trust everyone in the rc church? We are not a cult you imbecile and we are not those crazy Muslim bastards either.

Are you some type of weirdo btw who leaves his children in the company of strangers?
Weirdo. Why would you do that.

what about a teacher? would you leave a child with a teacher?

I wouldn’t let a teacher take my child out for an ice cream. That would be a bit weird.

That would be weird

Huge week ahead for us lads. My favourite time of year