The official Roman Catholic thread

i love the way the pubs in Ireland close on Good Friday and it drives the heathens mad.


Ben and Jerry made their first confessions there the other week. No confession box used anymore, poor lads were fierce nervous going up but did well. They say a prayer of sorrow for their contrition; Jerry was telling me all about it when he had finished and then I reminded him he was to say his prayers, he whispered the prayer to me and asked did he make me proud. Indeed you did son I told him, indeed you did.


I hope they never change that law

I always loved Spy Wednesday as a child. There was always a real sense of what was about to come

Matthew Chapter 21, well worth a read kid.

Jesus rides in triumph into Jerusalem. He cleanses the temple, curses the fig tree, and discusses authority. He gives the parables of the two sons and the wicked husbandmen.

“Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a donkey tied there, with her colt by her. Untie them and bring them to me. If anyone says anything to you, tell him that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away … The disciples went and did as Jesus had instructed them. They brought the donkey and the colt, placed their cloaks on them, and Jesus sat on them.”


Are Catholics so weak minded that they can’t resist going to the pub on Good Friday if they were open? Clearly some on here don’t understand the concept of separation of church and state, a hallmark of any modern democracy. No church should have influence regarding the law, in particular the church that regards itself as above the law.

ye can stay out of the pub for two days in the year ffs.

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The Catholics will be buying cans in their droves on Thursday evening … it’s hilarious.


Why should we? or why should Catholics for that matter? Catholics ignore all the other rules so why legally enforce that one? How about enforcing the no contraception law? I realize it would screw up the hooker trade, but surely its a bit more serious to Catholics than having a pint.


because it would be good for ye.

don’t you live in another country? getting all outraged about something that doesnt concern you?
you and @fisty are the fourth highest posters on this thread, and you are both heathen bastards. you are obsessed by us. you couldnt make that up.

this is Pope Francis Country

You couldn’t actually make it up, I know their type well, deep down they really want to be part of what we have, they are like the boys in 5th class pulling the hair of the girl they really fancy


It’s important that there are challenges made to human delusions. If it wasn’t for such challenges, your little country would still be run by the depraved men in frocks, with concentration camps in every town for the wicked women who tempt the weak minded men that must be protected from themselves.

As an aside I’m a frequent visitor to Ireland and an Irish citizen, and should I happen to visit on Good Friday I would like to be able to choose to go for a pint and not have some lad in a frock and a funny hat tell me otherwise, so shove your insular views up your hole.

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you’ll do what you are told in Ireland on Good Friday, and what’s more, you’ll like it

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You don’t even live here man

It’s bad enough to take to defending Paedo Pearse.

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These cunts have no problem taking off our religious holidays but can’t go a day without an overpriced pint of sugar.

you wont be getting ‘a pint’ here on Good Friday my friend.
its best you keep celebrating easter in the states if thats your priority

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@anon7035031 has no problem saving his favourite bottle of burbon for Christmas Day.
you couldnt make it up.

Oh good, the third village idiot is here.

Pearse was a devout Catholic, one of yours mate. If he was a pedophile then he was with the right outfit.

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