The official Roman Catholic thread

It’s bourbon and I don’t drink the stuff, but keep trying.

what tipple do you treat yourself to on Christmas day?

Whatever I feel like, or not feel like, like any other day.

have you a drink problem do you mind me asking?
you drink a lot of whiskey and fine wines.


Clearly I need to go to confession and get my drinking problem sorted :joy:

Are you finally admitting to the evidence presented that Paedo Pearse kissed his students and abused his position of trust?

I never said Roman Catholics didn’t commit sin, that would be very silly altogether!

Where’s this now? Blighty? Surely not Ireland.

Roman Catholocism has been in a state of steady decline in Ireland since its high in the 1960s. The percentage of the population practicing the cult of rome was at an all-time low since the 1881 census by 2002. It has been in free-fall since then.

The cat is out of the bag mate. The game is up, and you’re only prolonging the agony by associating yourself with this archaic nest of vipers. Have a few cans, do a few lines and turn a Good Friday into a Great Friday. Take the first step in coming to terms with the mugging off you were subjected to the day you were baptised.

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How would you know Pearse kissed his students? The thought of it sure does seem to excite you though.


@anon7035031, you know you’ve him rattled when he resorts to ad hominem attacks. He must be stage 4 or 5 by now. Fuck me, imagine what this place will be like by Friday!

He must have posted a picture to his Facebook account by accident.

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I’ve a cousin with a two year old child and she hasn’t even bothered baptizing him yet. She’s married by the way and from a catholic family and both her and her husband are very educated with good jobs so it is not ignorance. There is no plans in place in the near future to baptize this boy who is as happy as Larry. You would no more think he is not baptized as he isn’t wanting for anything.


Mugged off? I made a fortune at my First Communion and Confirmation.


You do realise Pearse was a poet and any interpretation of his poems are just that, interpretations.

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Can you read?

Crime mate, not sin. What consenting adults of whatever sexual orientation get up to may be a sin in the eyes of the Catholic church, whereas enabling and covering up child rape is a crime. Catholics seem to struggle with this distinction, it’s a simple enough one once you free you mind of delusion.

There’s actually a 75 page tread on the Pearse question on, with the usual range of village idiot to enlightened views, including some Irish language experts who can actually read and interpret his delusional blather. Although I didn’t have time to wade through all of it, the reasonable conclusions are that Pearse may have been a pedophile, but there is no evidence he ever acted inappropriately towards his students (lots of them were interviewed by biographers and said he didn’t, the only accusation comes from a second hand source, hardly reliable evidence).

What’s most interesting is your obsession with Pearse. As I’m sure you know, there were many strands to the Irish independence movement, the full range of political opinion from extreme left to extreme right. Whatever about being a pedophile, Pearse definitely had fascist leanings. Had he lived he would undoubtedly have been a blueshirt, and in all likelihood would have been on the ship to Spain to fight for Franco. One of yours mate, on two counts, rabid Catholic and rabid fascist.

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All I see is an accusation, zero proof of anything. There seems to be certain West Brit elements out to slander Pearse’s name with unqualified assertions and baseless innuendo. You seem to be revelling in it and getting very excited about the fantastical stories.

Why is there no proof of these allegations on record? Why are they only coming to light long after his death?

So you’re taking the word of over the Irish Times?


You fucking dope :joy: ffs