The official Roman Catholic thread

The fucking protestant times are hardly unbiased on the matter.

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The Chicken Hut on Limericks OConnell Street is closed Good Friday, what a lovely gesture from them.


as far as i can see from his posts on this forum, he is obsessed with two things.
alcoholic spirits and the catholic church.

:clap: They’re using common sense pal, and it’s something they should be respected for. Considering baptism in roman catholicism is irrevocable, your cousin would be signing her kid up to a contract that he did not consent to.

An official change to canon law by the vatican in 2009 means baptised catholics could no longer formally defect from the church. Once I found out about this it only further solidified my decision to not baptise my kids. If they decide to get baptised when they’re older, that will be their decision. In the meantime, I will mentor them on developing their in-built bullshit detectors, common sense, decision-making skills, etc.

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Mindfullness is all they need, pal. It will help them live a fruitful life in the here and now and not in some fairyland after you die.


No, I said there is much debate on the subject. It’s actually possible to read the debate and easily distinguish between the village idiots, the west Brits, the up the RA types, and the few enlightened people who can actually think for themselves, especially those that can actually read and interpret the Irish language. The Irish Times and Irish Independent were pro Empire and anti Irish Independence, and haven’t changed their spots much in the intervening 100 years, so I would approach any article in both with caution (especially the Independent rag).

So, do you think Pearse would have been a blueshirt? He ticks all the boxes.

Why are you wasting your time and effort?

It would only be a waste of time and effort if they were wums, I’m pretty sure they are serious, scary and all as that is.

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They are all wums, pal… that or just brian dead. You can’t honestly take seriously some one that thinks because something was written in a newspaper that it must be fact. That’s what you are basically up against here.


You are going on about the poem here. I didn’t bring that up, it just shows what a freakshow he was.

He kissed his students. Laughing at you here now saying there is “much debate on the subject”. You weren’t even aware of historians saying it yesterday and now you’re pretending to be our resident expert on this after reading

I asked if he is really taken the word of an anonymous Internet forum above biographers who have been published in newspapers.

How do you know he kissed the students?

The poem is the only evidence to anyone who actually has an understanding of what evidence is. Second hand accounts and rumors are not evidence.

Here’s your hero, and fellow west Brit, Ruth Dudley Edwards when asked whether he did anything inappropriate: “I would be astounded if there ever was a moment where he did anything that you could regard as abusive to a child”. If she, who wrote a biography on him, can’t dig up the dirt on him to make the claim you are making, I would say case closed.

No question he was a bit of a weirdo though, as was his brother. As i said fits the blueshirt profile perfectly.

Ah fuck no !! When did brian die?
I liked him. I suppose though the Lord called him so he had to go.

The historians got this from letters from students i.e. First hand evidence

You are fixated on this poem, I didn’t bring it up. It’s pure weird though.

Hearsay, not evidence. Evidence is something that would have a hope of standing up in court. Who knows what the motivation of boys who attended St Endas was in letters to each other. I am sure you had teachers in school about whom worse was said and written. There were plenty of his students interviewed in earlier biographies and none made any accusation against him. It’s a bit like the Canadian “historian” who accused Tom Barry regarding Kilmichael, based on the testimony of dead people he interviewed.

The point is you are making a claim that none of his biographers have made, calling him a nonce (English slang for a child sex abuser, a dead giveaway for the west Brit who wishes they were English). I already gave you Ruth Dudley Edwards quote and she wasn’t shy about mud slinging, and the Dutch historian quoted in the Times article concluded that it was probable Pearse was inclined towards pedophilia, but there was no strong enough evidence to support the claim he ever abused anyone.

Unlike this list of lovely lads, who weren’t just inclined towards pedophilia, but acted out their desires and in most cases were enabled by their church to continue abusing for years or decades. Very few of them were defrocked or whatever the current form of punishment is within the church.

Does it not bother the devout Catholics here that the organization all the way to the top never felt compelled to report any of them to the authorities. Not Brendan Smyth, not Geoghan in Boston, sick depraved animals who raped dozens of kids.

He is drinking to fill the void in his life.


He’s filling his God Hole with the wrong kind of spirit.


Roman Catholicism is not a cult.

We can clearly distinguish between crimes/mistakes made by priests/administrators and the reason for our faith. And we are allowed that train of thought.
You clearly don’t get that.

Time to move on now.
Very few Catholics nowadays get wound up by the paedophile jibes.
Same as the St Endas of Rathfarnham don’t and clearly shouldn’t.

I’d say he has a big red jowelly face on him. A whiskey head we’d call it here. Sitting there with a bottle of burbon reading Wikipedia and ranting about Roman Catholics.