The official Roman Catholic thread

mistakes :joy: :joy: :joy:

itā€™s bourbon, second time now

and a big bulbous nose on him like Alex Ferguson, god, i have a right picture of him now in my head, i love it that us Catholics are driving him apeshit with our unwavering faith

Why would the higher-ups in the organisation report them to the authorities? Itā€™d be like the pot calling the kettle black, ffs.

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I find it amazing how us simply having a bit of faith in something can drive a lad berserk like that. Itā€™s very interesting.

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Personal attack = rattled.

it would make a very interesting case study

thereā€™s deviants in every organisation, the gaa, rte, the bbc, wexford swimming but why are these lads obsessed with priests? there is something going on there with them, something very fishy, the likes of fitzy and labane are permanently in a rage, ready to explode at any minute, drinking heavily every night, labane on the whiskey and fitzy on the wine, drinking to forget, to null the pain

Itā€™s a lot more than jealousy though. Itā€™s obsessive too. And spiteful. Add to that his drink problem and the fact he carries all that weight. Itā€™s very interesting. He posts more than anyone on this thread. Fascinating stuff.

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The sinners should be aware that there will there be drink to be had at Friday night at the ROI V SUI game in the Aviva.

Iā€™m fairly certain one of the wexford lads spun a yarn on years ago about being fucked out of a seminary, was it you @Fitzy

Yourā€™re the role model when it comes to excess mate.

The point that Catholics are in denial about and refuse to confront their church over is the issue of protecting children from sexual predators. As @ChocolateMice has repeatedly pointed out, the church hierarchy still instructs their membership and leaders that they do not have to report cases of sexual abuse to the authorities. You wouldnā€™t accept that from the other organizations you mention, so why in Godā€™s name would you accept it from a so called moral authority?


It wasnā€™t mate, no. Thak you for your ongoing obsession, sorry, concern.

lovely prayer here lads

all lies and anti catholic propaganda

your the one who canā€™t stop thinking about priests mate, yourself and labane

Iā€™d say Labane and Fitzy are part of the Global Tectocracy that are working with the Bilderberg group. Sure isnā€™t Labane alway manipulating the financial marketsā€¦

he does be abusing bottles of whiskey every night anyway

Iā€™m watching a PBS documentary on the restoration of St. Patrickā€™s Cathedral in New York. Although I lived further downtown I always went to mass in St. Patrickā€™s when I was living in New York (would sit beside the statue of St. Anthony). As a Catholic, a New Yorker and an Irishman it fills me with pride to see what a magnificent job theyā€™ve done in restoring it. The whole thing cost $175m and all money was raised in the midst of the worst recession since the Great Depression. Just shows the might and power of the Catholic Church.

Highly recommend a mass if anyone has 30 mins to spare when they are in New York. Mass times are here, worth bookmarking:


we are the biggest and most powerful organisation in the world

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