The official Roman Catholic thread

FFS, this is gas. Now you are claiming these people just were annoyed with their teacher. Would you afford the same to a Priest, of course you wouldnā€™t you utter hypocrite.

Itā€™s not a Dutch historian either, you clearly didnā€™t bother to read. You didnā€™t have a rashers about this last night and have been busily researching all day to try and

Iā€™ll call Pearse a nonce if I want, if it were a priest you wouldnā€™t be so quick to defend.

Thatā€™s on my bucket list I have to say. When I was living in Chicago I used to frequent St Vincents in DePaul University. Lovely church, right in the centre of Campus.


Itā€™s actually available to view online:

I dare you not to cry when watching the footage of the 9/11 funerals.


I think youā€™re giving the church more credit than it deserves. Is it not the case that, under pontifical secrecy, a member of the church could be excommunicated for reporting these horrible crimes?

Thereā€™s a lot to be said for paganism all the same.

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You are a tremendous Roman Catholic Brian. Please participate in our thread more

I said ā€œthe historian quoted in the Irish Times article (Joost Augusteijn)ā€. This lad:

By all accounts he has written the definitive biography to date on Pearse, havenā€™t read it, but it has been very well reviewed.

I would give the benefit of the doubt to any pedophile until they abuse, then they have to be locked up, plain and simple, as there is no ā€œcureā€ and the evidence says once they abuse they continue to abuse. However, there are millions of pedophiles who donā€™t abuse and yes I would give them the benefit of the doubt, whether they are priests, popes, whatever. Pedophiles can do no more about their sexual preference and desires than a homosexual, heterosexual or any other orientation. However, protecting them and enabling them to abuse further is unconscionable, except for the Catholic organization apparently which is above the law.


Ben Foden (rugby player but alright sort) converted to Catholicism prior to his marriage to Una Healy :ronnyroar:

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Why is Foden an alright sort?

Happy Spy Wednesday lads.


He saw the light mate

He gave up rugby?

The day we celebrate that complete and utter cunt of a man Judas Iscariot making a holy show of himself.

Many happy returns kid.


Does every catholic country outlaw pubs opening on Good Friday or is it just Ireland?


anyone in Opus Dei?

I can see the attraction

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Bumped for @HBV.

Australiaā€™s a haven for heathens and all sorts of cunts, but even weā€™ve the off licenses shut. Business as usual in the pubs.


so what? is that something to be proud of? no one gives a shit about Australia, do ye even have a Cardinal out there? the last out post of humanity

We do. Cardinal Pell.

Heā€™s been in the news recently. Iā€™m sure youā€™re familiar with his skullduggery.

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