The official Roman Catholic thread

this is Ireland and if you donā€™t like it fuck off to the Philippines , Ireland is the greatest catholic country in the world for having this rule, I canā€™t wait to arrive back on Holy Thursday, looking forward to a day of abstinence from alcohol on Good Friday


I donā€™t know @Mac and frankly I donā€™t give a fiddlers fuck. They are closed here thatā€™s all that matters.

So is it a Catholic thing or an Irish thing then? Genuinely never understood where it came from, like that holy hour that used to exist on Sundays years ago.

I said I donā€™t know you dick.

Fuck sake lads, this is the time of year yee should be happy. A simple genuine question shouldnā€™t provoke such anger in yee. Itā€™s hardly what Jesus would have wanted around now.


The Philippines is far more Catholic than Ireland, they take their religion seriously there and go to mass and stuff like that. Most Irish nowadays are cultural Catholics, only seen in a church for weddings and funerals, and ignore all the other laws. A nation that has gone from saints and sinners and no snakes, to now no saints, a lot of sinners and overrun with snakes.


Iā€™d say its an Irish thing, the Irish are world champions at laws surrounding consumption of alcohol.

do you drink much whisky every night? not been funny, just wondering? some of that American stuff would have a taste of more alright

Paddy couldnā€™t be trusted not to make a show of himself at devotions on Good Friday so Dev had no option but to ban it.


I donā€™t drink bourbon, donā€™t care for it, too sweet. I rarely have whisk(e)y in the house, but if I have a bottle it would do me about a month, unless I have company drinking it and then it could vanish fairly lively.

@Mac, itā€™s very simple, the boozers in Ireland are closed for two days of the year, to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and to commemorate the death of the very same man.
You can still drink alcohol at home or you can go to the UK where they also serve on Christmas Day.

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They take their religious celebrations very seriously. Christmas decorations go up in September

Iā€™m well aware of that mate. My question was about what other countries recognise the same thing by closing the pubā€™s? Surely itā€™s a worldwide thing if itā€™s so important?

Who knows, who cares

Itā€™s another bit of low hanging fruit for so called liberals in their war against the Church and moreover our countries traditions. The types whoā€™d have kittens if you criticised Islam. Jokers.


Are you not a Protestant mate?

The lads care enough to defend it and I care enough to wonder why its not a worldwide phenomenon if its such a vital part of being a catholic.


Good to hear.

Was I not talking to you about what a gamechanger Midnight Mass was over Christmas?

I hope all the Roman Catholics on TFK have a sombre and spiritual easter, the greatest part of the year for you boys, it must be like your Christmas.