The official Roman Catholic thread

It’s not a phenomenon at all @Mac
It’s just a very nice gesture by the Irish state and we are very appreciative.

Kevin O’Higgins signed the prohibition on alcohol on Patrick’s Day, Good Friday and Christmas Day into law in 1927. We can’t pin this one on the long fellow.

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A blueshirt, makes sense.

Fitzy, we will. Now fuck off and tend to your penis shaped vegetables, you heathen cunt.


How very christian of you, obsession with penises (penii?) of course.

Anyone hitting for Mass today lads?

if you have a bottle of whiskey in the house you would drink from it every day?

im not trying to be alarmist but you need to get that checked out.

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Taken from (National catholic Register)

Fill your boots today lads because Holy Thursday is THE big one.

What happened on the original Holy Thursday?

An amazing amount of stuff! This was one of the most pivotal days in the life of Jesus Christ.
Here are some of the things the gospels record for this day (including events that happened after midnight). Jesus:
Sent Peter and John to arrange for them to use the Upper Room to hold the Passover meal.
Washed the apostles’ feet.
Held the first Mass.
Instituted the priesthood.
Announced that Judas would betray him.
Gave the “new commandment” to love one another.
Indicated that Peter had a special pastoral role among the apostles.
Announced that Peter would deny him.
Prayed for the unity of his followers.
Held all the discourses recorded across five chapters of John (John 13-18).
Sang a hymn.
Went to the Mount of Olives.
Prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Was betrayed by Judas.
Stopped the disciples from continuing a violent resistance.
Healed the ear of Malchus, the high priest’s servant, after Peter cut it off with a sword.
Was taken before the high priests Annas and Caiaphas.
Was denied by Peter.
Was taken to Pilate.

It was a momentous day!


Fucking hell, you’d nearly be dead on your feet after all of that.

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I can’t. I am in India, But I will celebrate today’s Hindu festival instead, Holi. Happy Holi mate.

You seem to have very odd ideas about drinking, are you sure you are not a closet Muslim?

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“You’re tempted to ask is there a god, and if so where is he now?”

The priest doing the homily at the funeral of the drowned victims uttered those words above on the pulpit!

Amen brother, amen.

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7.30 for me

Not at all, I’m just wondering why you or anyone really need a glass of whiskey every day. It’s just unusual in this day and age and sounds like you have a reliance on it.
Do you have it first thing in the morning?

Read my post again and tell me how you determined I have a glass of whiskey every day.

He fucking guzzles it mate, guzzles it.

A bottle of whiskey lasts you a month. There is a measure a day for a month in a 750ml bottle.
Or is it a 1 l bottle you are putting away?

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Chap is in denial.

So carefully measuring out 25ml and ingesting that once per day is your concept of drinking. What a strange chap you are. I don’t know why I’m answering you as I probably drink whiskey as often as you visit Polish whores, but drinking is a social activity for most people. Rather than going to the pub, most people in countries other than Ireland socialize at home, so the whiskey gets consumed by a range of people, myself included. I have a few good friends that like whiskey so whenever they are over we might go through half a bottle. Is that a satisfactory answer or do you want to call around and monitor my intake in case I go mad and have 35ml instead of 25?

It’s unusual that a fellow would need a drink of whiskey every day is all I’m saying. I’m not aware of anyone that needs it myself.
I’m sure you are on top of it though.