The official Roman Catholic thread

Lads, seriously now iā€™m just in the door from the local off license. Needed to get my fix of alcohol bought to get me through tonight and tomorrow. Anyway there were five people in the queue in front of me at the counter. This place on a Thursday night you normally just rock up and thereā€™s maybe one person ahead of you the odd time but five tonight! Three early twenties fellas, a middle aged man, a young lady maybe mid twenties. The three lads walked out the door with big slabs of beer over their heads. :joy: Iā€™d say the same fellas never drink on a Friday but by god theyā€™re going to get langers tomorrow and enjoy themselves. Iā€™m reasonably familiar with your man behind the counter being a regular customer. I asked him how busy he was tonight. ā€œBusiest Thursday night in the yearā€ he says. ā€œAnd youā€™d want to see this place at 10 oā€™clock, thereā€™ll nearly be a queue out the door.ā€

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Youā€™ll have to find someone who drinks whisky every day to get an answer, canā€™t help you any further Iā€™m afraid.

No bother. Are you having a sup tonight?

Did you get your feet washed mate?

I know my mother and father were both to get their feet washed tonight, havenā€™t spoke to either since. Thereā€™s something incredibly creepy about an old priest washing and soothing your feet with lathers of soapy water. Iā€™m happy enough sitting here at home drinking beer and reading the paper while the church and itā€™s followers can have their creepy little customs.


No you are just fishing muck bud give over.

I didnā€™t have mine washed. There was 12 pre selected parishioners who had that particular honour


The catholic church is muggin the good catholic boys off good and proper.

Would you have any problem or objection to getting yours washed or would you gladly put your hand up for it?

No issue with it whatsoever

Good Friday. One of the greatest days


More important day then Christmas mate.

I just said a few prayers there

Stations of the cross tomorrow in St Marys Churchā€¦Iā€™ll be thereā€¦


Missed prayers last night as I was working late in order to be off today. Will head down home around lunch time so I should make prayers at 3pm.

As an aside I see Pope Francis joined Instagram last week, heā€™s such a great man. Iā€™ve had this going through my head all morning to the tune of Achey Breaky Heart / Mesut Ɩzil song:

Weā€™ve got Francis
Pooooope Francis
I just donā€™t think you understand
Heā€™s Jesus Christā€™s man
Heā€™s better than the Imam
Weā€™ve got Pope Francis


Looking forward to a nice bit of fish this evening.

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Getting ready to watch The Passion of The Christ now.

Jesus died for our sins.


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Never forget what he did for us

surely a
hashtag would be appropriate for the day thats in it?