The official Roman Catholic thread


Iā€™m not taking part in this thread today lads. Itā€™s Good Friday. I donā€™t want to interact with trolls on Good Friday and unfortunately they usually appear when I post here.
Iā€™ll be liking posts alright though.

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I find I drink more on good friday than any other time of the year. Iā€™d have a glass of a nice whiskey every now and then, and a glass of wine with dinner (probably once per week), but no more than @anon7035031, it would be very much in moderation. Good friday, whatever it is about it, seems to really bring out the ā€˜irishā€™ in me.

Iā€™d agree with you on the feet washing. Iā€™m not a church-goer, but even if I was I donā€™t think Iā€™d like to be up at the top of the church having some lad giving my toes a bit of a wash. It must be rough on the priest if heā€™s a bit iffy about touching someone elseā€™s feet. Iā€™d say heā€™d be shitting himself that heā€™d get some old bat with a list of foot ailments as long as your arm - bunions, corns, fungus, etc.


I dont drink but why do people drink more good friday

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Because they canā€™t go to a pub.

Probably our rebelious nature coming to the fore Joe. The churchā€™s hypocrisy is no doubt embedded in our sub-conscience at this stage, so when they say ā€œdonā€™t have false godsā€, people turn to vices - sex, drugs, and so forth. When they say ā€œdonā€™t drink on good fridayā€, people stock up the day before and get drunk on supposedly one of the biggest events in the churchā€™s calendar.


Letā€™s say it for what it is, a two fingers to the church and their makey uppey list of rules they want to enforce on us.

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Maybe not tonight, but whenever youā€™re at a loose end again you might enjoy reading a bit about Roberto Calvi (ā€œGodā€™s Bankerā€).

A glass of wine a week? Are you a priest?

Thatā€™s a disgusting post. But I forgive you, my child. :cross:

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Happy Easter Saturday, Lads Iā€™m in the market for a mass today

Fair play to you, you really showed us there so you did, you must must feel like an awful big man now :rollseyes:

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Lads getting hung up on drink on a Good Friday.

I hope they keep the law as it is. If it changed it would end up like the worst day of the year St Patrickā€™s Day, arseholes with a day off pissed by lunchtime, no doubt theyā€™d all be going around with crosses around their neck before its binned or lost when their hangover hits.

Two days of no pubs. The birth and the death of our Lord. Respect.

Itā€™s over seven weeks since Iā€™ve had a drink. I might have a pimms tomorrow.


Glad to have helped pal. Surprised you would be ā€œshownā€ by anyone though. Didnā€™t one of the gospels preach ā€œWhat you seek after is within you.ā€ after all? Then again, that could be one of the gnostic gospels the church declared heretical.

You are an amazing Roman Catholic, treat yourself to a drink, you deserve, I am looking forward to a day of spiritual enlightenment, I am going to bring my nieces and nephews out for a meal, then I will go for a walk around mullaghmore to reconnect with the soil


ā€œI sold off the old farmyard for what it was worth
and into my bag stuck a handful of earthā€

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Weak minded simpletons Joe who are trying to act out.

ā€œSo I got me a train and caught me a plane and found myself back in the US againā€

people trying to prove what great atheists they are, the same cunts whoā€™ll be roaring for a priest when they are in the bed when their time comes, I tell you one thing, I canā€™t wait to be proven right when the likes of Fitzy and Labane come to the end, to be vindicated when they ask for a blessing

And itā€™s a credit to our religion and our men of the cloth that they will treat these heathen bastards as children of our lord, the very same as they will any of us.

God bless them.