The official Roman Catholic thread

Boredom Joseph. Empty lives, empty souls.

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I met your brother for a jar during Cheltenham. He wasn’t giving you much kudos for your dry Lent. I think “If he gave up the oul personal, I’d say fair dues” were his exact words


This country is gone to pot mate. They’ll be open by 2020 for sure. It’ll be a very sad day though. We really are an atrocious generation

The personal is gone. I’m redeemed, like you after the weekend in Monaghan…although in fairness more blew away from the bonnet than went up your nose!

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Agree and we need to rebel against them at every chance

Greatest Pope ever? Without doubt surely. We’re lucky to have him. The Catholic Church leads the way.


I presume they checked if the muslim fella wasn’t wearing a suicide vest first before they left the pope at him to “bathe” his feet?

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It must be awful to be spiritually dead inside.

I’m a realist. I’m just asking. It would have been a tremendous coup for the muslims had your man there a suicide vest on and blew up the pope while he washing his feet with the world watching. They’d have had to pat him down and check. Would they have patted down the non muslims though whose feet he washed? I doubt it.

They would have, but it wouldn’t have been as invasive, shall we say, as the Muslim lad’s pat-down.

We were at the Easter Vigil Mass there tonight and the overall experience was hugely uplifting. We’re unable to hit Mass in the mornings anymore but tonight was smashing. The camaraderie of the parishoners on arrival, to the moving of seats to accommodate a wheelchair, the efforts of Eucharistic ministers, the choir in full flow, the antics of the grandchildren interacting with the native hobos…all in a country church with only candlelight - old-school.
I was embarrassed mildly by the “peace be with you” section as people I’d mildly know ploughed across seats to greet the Queen with genuine warmth and affection.

On a slightly sour note, a cunt I lent €50 to the night of the Co.Final 2 years ago mouthed “I have that 4u” at me. I can assure readers he was in the 1% of nosey bastards there. I’ll phone the fucker Tuesday to arrange collection.:handbag:


Going to dawn mass down in the old abbey in the morning. One of the juniors is at home and supposed to come with me. We’ll see

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This is it. The biggest day of the year for us


Just in from mass. The youngest is a bit sick so I will stay with him when the rest of the crew go later. A good start to the day.



"On this Easter morning, let us look again at the lives we have been so generously given and let us let fall away the useless baggage that we carry – old pains, old habits, old ways of seeing and feeling – and let us have the courage to begin again. Life is very short, and we are no sooner here than it is time to depart again, and we should use to the full the time that we still have.

We don’t realize all the good we can do. A kind, encouraging word or helping hand can bring many a person through dark valleys in their lives. We weren’t put here to make money or to acquire status or reputation. We were sent here to search for the light of Easter in our hearts, and when we find it we are meant to give it away generously. The dawn that is rising this Easter morning is a gift to our hearts and we are meant to celebrate it and to carry away from this holy, ancient place the gifts of healing and light and the courage of a new beginning."

John O’Donohue
Dawn Mass Reflections at Corcomroe Abbey


Just back from 9am mass with 1no. of the offspring.
Easter Sunday is an excellent mass in fairness, only beaten by Christmas morning in my very humble opinion. I love the way at this time of year people make the effort to both attend and create an atmosphere in the church but also to wear their very best outfits.
Very happy and content to have attended and a little bit smug about throwing in an extra few Our Fathers and Hail Marys on my own even though there was no requirement.

Jesus Christ has risen. Death is not the end.


Are the state broadcaster not showing the Holy Father’s urbi et orbi address? It would appear that its just blanket coverage of the murderous slaughter of 1916.

BBC 1 currently broadcasting live coverage of the Holy Father’s Urbi et Orbi address. RTE should hang their heads in shame.


Unreal coverage

No mass on tell tonight ah