The official Roman Catholic thread

Who does an educated, conservative God fearing Catholic up north vote for these days? Sinn Fein are godless heathens.

Sinn Fein.

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Through him, with him, in him,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
all glory and honor is yours,
almighty Father,
for ever and ever.


Was driving Ms Goodeā€™s car and was flicking around the radio and came across this gem. A few on here could do with tuning it in.


religion and the ira ruined this country. both terrorists

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@carryharry will be along shortly to identify the make and model of the car


La Di Dah


oooft mac will be seething once again at EG off the charts wealth


Looking forward to putting on my finest gear and heading to mass on Sunday

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Easter may be over but Catholicism is for eternity


Putting on my finest here for todays service, canā€™t wait to join my fellow parishioners


ā€˜Amoris Laetitiaā€™ will surely get a mention. Has anyone had a chance to read it yet?

Mass last night. For the kids who are doing their FHC. Have a clear run at Sunday now. I like Saturday evening mass.

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I was at a funeral during the week so Iā€™m going to brunch now instead of mass. Iā€™ll say a few prayers this evening though after the league football semi-finals and before Six One news.


they do a 6pm here for lads with a full schedule on a Sunday, so there is no excuses


Just cant buy into a Saturday evening mass myself. Sunday is the Lords Day. If you cant take time out to worship on that day, then whats the point?

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Tremendous mass today on the 3rd Sunday of Easter, unreal turnout as well


Comiskey got rid of this in Ferns diocese for some bizarre reason

Lack of priests mate I presume unfortunately.

Mass at 6 clock on Sunday really sets you up for the weekā€¦thatā€™s a shame.

What? Sure thereā€™s as many priests around on Sunday morning as there is on Sunday evening.