The official Roman Catholic thread

You might be capable of toning down your self-righteousness if you allowed God into your life. Instead you use a manā€™s struggles with his vocation as a platform to shriek about child rapists and paedophiles. Youā€™re a vile human being - Iā€™ll pray for you later.


We all learn lessons, the Church have learned a thing or two and have taken swift action here. Pope Francis has done an incredible job, no wonder we are one of the oldest organisations in the world. Resilience.

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Struggling with his vocation? Struggling with his sexuality you gimp. The Catholic Church is a fucked franchise in the western world outside of rural Irish backwaters. The solution is simple, do away with the nonsensical celibacy rule and ordain women and married men. Nothing against homosexuals but you have to wonder why homosexual men become priests when clearly they donā€™t fit in well with Catholic philosophy.

The Catholic Church is very strong in London mate, we have great numbers at Mass every Week

Great numbers of thick micks as you call them?

Every type and colour, you need to accept we are very strong

He is trying to fight the gayness, it would be great if he can overcome this affliction and return to the altar some day, by all accounts he is a top priest.

He will be in my prayers, your insults towards him are sickening.


heā€™ll beat this thing, mental illness is a terrible affliction


Why do you need to be so abusive and ignorant when making any comment on RC related issues?

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We just need to support him, he will come back stronger than ever. We wouldnā€™t be Roman Catholics if we didnā€™t give one of our best lads a second chance. Thatā€™s what makes us stand out from the Muslims and the atheists, you get a second go with us. We are sound like that.


You are the one insulting him by referring to his sexual orientation as an affliction. Unsurprising though as most male nordie Catholics in my experience are homophobic pricks (probably picked it up from their Unionist neighbors). I have some sympathy for the man, but he had no business being a priest as an active homosexual. Itā€™s the equivalent of you joining the UVF.

The irony from the most ignorant poster in the history of the Internet.

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It is an affliction, that is the word of God.

This man has to battle this affliction, he knows if he wants to save his career as a priest he will have to overcome it. I wish him the best on this journey.

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Looks like Tassottis wooing of Labanne for the ELC has failed


I offered my services as a consultant to try and help them overcome their mental afflictions. People who believe in fairytales written by desert goat herders high on psychedelics 4000 years ago need the help. They are in denial but will eventually come round.


What did Jesus say about homosexuals, you know the guy you believe is God?

Jesus is the son of God.


Schoolboy error there from @anon7035031

But what did he say about homosexuals?

Listen, you donā€™t even know the basics, theological discussion with you is a pointless waste of time.

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