The official Roman Catholic thread

You’re contradicting yourself here. You either care or you don’t. You say celibacy shouldn’t be there but above say he has no business being a Priest as a homosexual.

The Church are handling this situation with sensitivity and compassion, unlike the media and yourself screaming out the salacious details in public.

This has been delicately handled and as a member of the Church I’m thankful they’ve taken this approach.


Read your New Testament. According to your holy book Jesus is both God and the son of God (John 1:1, 14, Hebrews 1.8).

Jesus is the son of God.

There is only one God, the father, the almighty.


No contradiction. He has no business being a priest in an organization that condemns homosexuality as an affliction. If the church were to move from the ancient Jewish views on homosexuality (as Jesus did not condemn homosexuality) then he and any other person regardless of their sexual orientation should be welcomed as priests.

I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth.
And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit; Born of the Virgin
Mary; Suffered under Pontius Pilate; Was crucified, dead and buried; He descended into Hell; The third
day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven; And sitteth on the right hand of God the
Father Almighty; From thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit; The Holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints; The Forgiveness of
sins; The Resurrection of the body; And the life everlasting. Amen.


Who are you to tell Fr Coyle what organisation he can and can’t join? He is conflicted at the moment and I wish him the best of luck in deciding, with the help of God, where he goes from here.



You don’t even understand your own religion, how sad. Read your bible and speak to a priest if you need help in understanding it. There is only one God who is three persons, the father, the son and the Holy Ghost. One God, three persons, capisce?

He doesn’t get to decide, he has been kicked out of the club. Ironically by effectively a gay club run by a gay cabal in the Vatican.


Not from the bible. Go back to the original source material if you want to understand your religion.

It’s quite sad this. An organisation handles something with care and grace, showing a real sign of improvement, and yet they still get kicked by the “right on” crew. This is a private matter between Fr Coyle and the Church.


There is only one God, he is the Father Almighty.

You seem to be confused, I have a clarity of thought when it comes to my religious beliefs. You are mired with bigotry and sin, only God can help you with that, but you don’t want help.


I understand your religion far better than you do. You are the one who is confused and conflicted. Talk to a priest, a non afflicted one in your words (if you can find one).

I have no interest in getting dragged into this frankly ridiculous thread where people who display very unchristian characteristics claim to be avid church goers etc, a bit like those Pharisee fellas from the bible.

What was the bit they taught us in school about the trinity, Is God not the father, son and Holy Spirit?


If you understood it then you wouldn’t be a bigot. You would follow the tenets of God and be a better person for it.

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The person who calls homosexuality an affliction is calling me a bigot. You really are a dimwit.

It’s quite common for the devout religious to be conflicted between the beliefs they supposedly hold and their actions. This is what allows them visit prostitites who are likely human slaves while condemning others for their “deviancy”, or in the extreme case flying planefulls of people into buildings. It’s delusion, plain and simple.

It is an affliction, I believe that, my church believes that. My church also espouses Christian values and we’re here to help the gays if they want to beat this affliction. When they get snipey with us over trying to support them overcoming being gay, then that creates a lot of problems in society. What can you do with a person who doesn’t want to be helped.

Sections of the gay community and atheist community attacking the church who only want to better society and help those from affliction is horrible to see.

The church has helped so many people with afflictions in the past and I’m one of them. For five years I have battled Irn Bru addiction and the church has been paramount to me getting the better of this affliction. I do lapse occassionally but the church and God helps me to keep it in check and muster the will to bounce back stronger.

You consistently coming into a thread of celebration, support, faith and love and trying to denigrate those people unbreakable faith is outright bigotry. You are filled with hate and it consumes you.

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Is God just the Father or is it the trinity, Genuine question Nembo, I just want to understand what you meant a while ago

One God, The Father Almighty.

Jesus is the son of God.

The Holy Trinity is The Holy Trinity.

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