The official Roman Catholic thread

@anon7035031 is taking out the trash this evening. :+1:


The Christian doctrine of the Trinity (from Latin trinitas ā€œtriadā€, from trinus ā€œthreefoldā€) defines God as three consubstantial persons or hypostasesā€”the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spiritā€”as ā€œone God in three Divine Personsā€. The three persons are distinct, yet are one ā€œsubstance, essence or natureā€.

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Does that contradict Nemboā€™s thesis on same?

Donā€™t mind him, he would argue with himself. The church that he believes in preaches that message that I just posted.

The only reason I come into this thread is to correct the untruths and outright lies sprouted by the minority of clowns and wums who post here. None of whom have the slightest understanding of their own religion as has been clearly established. You and your ilk are the ones spreading hate with your homophobia, but none are so blind as those who will not see.

You are the bigot.

There is no hatred being spread here, we are displaying compassion and support for Fr Ray in this situation. We only wish him the best, but the twisted poison in your mind leads you to unleash your bile.

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Your conflict is with yourself pal, not with me. You are being exposed here by the atheists and pagans who know far more about your religion than you do. Go read your bible and try and understand what it says.

Itā€™s Fr Rory by the way.

If you knew more about my religion than I did then you would be God fearing individuals who practice good christian morals in you daily lives, you donā€™t.

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God is not to be feared. How do you know what I practice or donā€™t practice in my daily life you judgement prick?

Your bigotry is so transparent in this thread, look at that bashful bile you just put forward in my direction there, for one reason and one reason only - Iā€™m a believer. You are consumed by hate.

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I am exposing you for the judgmental hypocrite you are. My attack on you is not an ad hominem, as you have zero credibility on moral reasoning, just as your church has no credibility. Dangerous delusions need to be confronted.

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Have ye anything else to do but argue over an old book with no footnotes

What have the atheists ever done for humanity kid?

What have the church done only cause war and abuse kids


Following a series of very brief private messages this evening I can announce that @anon7035031 has been excommunicated with immediate effect and will play no further role for the ELC going forward. It has also been decided to place the poster @anon7035031 back on the list of legitimate targets for months May June and July.


How much did you make for your confirmation you fucking imbecile.

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Have you heard of science? Almost all important scientists since Darwin made shit of religion are atheists or agnostics. How about the lightbulb, do you find that useful? Thomas Edison was an atheist. I could name another few dozen for you but suspect you have never heard of them. If your church had its way they would all have been burned at the stake like Bruno.

ā€œBlessed are the destroyers of false hope, for they are the true Messiahs - Cursed are the god-adorers, for they shall be shorn sheep!ā€

Thatā€™s one of my favourite passages from the Satanic Bible.

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Is this the same Darwin who inadvertently proved that homosexuality does not exist? You literally couldnā€™t make this up.
Darwins Struggle for Existence is not exactly something youā€™ll hear being quoted by the Cusack brothers.
Iā€™m a big fan of science by the way. We have had some top end lads on our side too. None of ours have been able to prove ā€˜the gayā€™ let alone that ā€˜transgenderā€™ carry on.
Have any of you atheists managed it?

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Your not holy your a spacer