The official Roman Catholic thread

The same Charles Darwin who married his first cousin and had three of his children die young? A great poster boy for the anti-catholic brigade.


What the fuckityfuck are you even trying to say here
Anyone using the word “proof” or “prove” in a discussion about science has no knowledge whatsoever about science. How did Darwin “prove” anything about homosexuality? What does “prove the gay” even mean ffs.
You are the one who asked the ridiculous question what have atheists done for humanity, so the onus is on you to back it up. Most of the significant scientists in the past 150 years have been atheists or agnostics, not so many Catholics on the list since you stopped burning them or threatening to burn them if they disagreed with discredited church teaching based on what goat herders knew 4,000 years ago.

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Feeble effort Matty. The stigma attached to marrying your cousin comes from the belief that any children from the union are more likely to have genetic disorders. Darwin knew nothing about genetics and his theories were developed completely independently of genetics. The last of Darwin’s 10 children was born in 1856, ten years before the first work on genetics was published by Mendel, and there is no evidence Darwin was even familiar with it as it wasn’t widely known until long after Darwin’s death. Having said that, the risk of genetic disorders is about 5% among first cousins, compared to 3% among people who are not related, and interestingly the same as men and women who have children over the age of 40 (genetic disorders are just as likely to come from the man as the woman). Maybe there should be a ban on older people having children.

The reason rational people admire Darwin is he was one of the greatest scientists in history. Not sure how he could be a poster boy for atheism considering he was a practicing Christian all his life, although he had moved more towards an agnostic position before his death.

Darwin supposedly is your hero because he made shit of religion, he was a top end scientist and wayhay all scientist are athiests so our hero darwin must have been one of the fuckers which is why you pushed him front and centre into the discussion about what have atheists ever done for humanity.
low and behold you found out darwin was a practicising Christian :smile: , you literally couldnt make it up.

No scientist has ever proven that gay exists, or that oh be the hokey this ‘transgender’ thingy exists. No scientific proof, the scientific proof you live your empty life by.
Your hero Darwin provided the first ‘scientific’ evidence or theory that homosexuality is a disorder ( natural selection, struggle for existence)…google it kid.

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You introduced Darwin in response to what have those dirty athiests ever done for humanity :grin:

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You can’t go a post without bringing up homosexuals or the LGBT community…it’s bizarre, unless of course you are a repressed homosexual, that would explain a lot.

Gays don’t exist now?

So what you’re saying is that you spend most of your life in obsessive hatred of something you don’t believe even exists? :smile:

:grin: oh they exist all right but its the only condition (@anon7035031 google please and confirm) along with the oh be the hokey trangender thingy that you can claim to have without any medical or scientific test to prove you have it.

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So equally then, you don’t believe heterosexuality exists.

it must exist @sidney its the sole reason humans have survived this long :smile: ffs


Yeah, but I didn’t say that heterosexuality doesn’t exist, pal. You’re the one clearly implying that, because if you think homosexuality doesn’t exist, then it automatically follows that you think heterosexuality cannot exist either.

Great thread this. I love reading any contributions from @anon7035031 but also I am conflicted about getting involved in this as he is directly jousting with some great mates I have from here. Will just continue observing from the sidelines on this one.


Mates can have different points of view.


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Everybody was respectfully giving Fr Coyle the time and space to reflect on his vocation until @anon7035031 bulldozed into the thread with his sickening attempts at point scoring. No crime has been committed here so let’s remain calm in the wake of this provocation.


From the very outset we gave Fr Rory every opportunity. It absolutely gals that thick American bastard that we have done the Christian thing here and not fed Rory to the wolves like the Muslims for example would have done.
It’s sickened the cunt good and proper. That jealousy, bitterness, self righteousness and lack of acceptance that others have beliefs different to his own is a very atheist thing I heard.
He’s an awful fucking prick.


Your complete absence of English comprehension skills is quite shocking.

I said since the time of Darwin the great majority of scientists have been/are atheists or agnostics. I never said Darwin was an atheist, although he was clearly an agnostic before his death. His theories made shit of all the nonsense in the bible and today only the absolute nuts believe such nonsense.

Will you please outline how Darwin provided evidence that homosexuality is a disorder so I can make shit of your arguments (again).

I haven’t said one bad word against Fr Ray/Rory. My input is a cautionary one for any aspiring priests reading the thread. If you want to join an organization that disapproves of the gay, and condemns to eternal damnation those that practice gay sex, then probably not the best idea to be sending pictures of your cock to random lads you met on a gay meet, poke, and run website.

You don’t know that, you just choose to have blind faith in scientists.

Don’t know what?