The official Roman Catholic thread

You said his theories made shit of all in the bible, you have blind faith in a scientist.

Another who can’t comprehend simple English. I said Darwin’s theories made shit of the nonsense in the bible, Adam and Eve, humans magically appearing 4,000 years ago, that type of nonsense. By the way your church now fully embraces the theory of evolution, but I wouldn’t expect you to know that as you seem totally oblivious to what your church teaches.


Even if we did evolve from apes (which I’m not convinced of), If Adam was an ape God still created him so God still created humans.


ah that’s a brilliant photo

Darwins theory of natural selection which is the cornerstone of modern biology measures the success of our species (thats humans btw) not by how long we live but by how successful we are at reproducing, survival of the fittest. if you religiously agree with the great scientist darwins work then youd have to agree that homosexuality should have been bred out of us by now, individuals who exhibit a greater capacity to survive and reproduce are more “successful,” according to the man who ‘made shit of religion’ :smile: and have a greater influence on the genetic makeup of a species. but hey the great man is not around anymore to study the golden age of gayness which we now live with lads jumping out of all sorts of places having realised they have it.

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The second time she’s come to national prominence shall we say. The day she was born Mark was picked full back against Cork in the All Ireland U21 Football final. He made the birth that morning, and then tore down to Thurles via a Garda escort, where his almost perfect day was ruined by a Daniel Goulding goal with practically the last kick of the game, to snatch the victory.

If sending dick pictures is a crime then over half the world’s population would be locked up. Fr Coyle is experiencing a crisis but this is a personal matter and we should afford him the space he needs right now. I’m confident of a swift return to pastoral duties for Fr Rory in the very near future and this experience should only serve to make him better placed to assist with young parishioners struggling with similar conflicts.

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Over half the world’s population have sent dick pictures? Where did you pluck that stat from , pal? Seems a tad over exaggerated. I mean, why would the lads below in Africa be sending dick pictures to each other when they are walking around with no clothes on anyway?


What are his theories based upon?

I don’t “religiously believe” in anything.

You have clearly no understanding of the theory of evolution and sadly any attempt to educate you on it would be a waste of my time. However, specifically on homosexuality, for the benefit of others who may be able to grasp this.

Evolution is best understood when you think of populations, not individuals. If a gene propagates within a population of a species that gives a reproductive advantage, then it will persevere in that population. Homosexuality has been observed in literally every species in nature that has been studied, over 1,500, from fruit flies to humans. The question you are asking is why would something that confers a disadvantage in terms of reproduction persevere? The answer is while it confers a reproductive disadvantage to males, it confers a reproductive advantage to females. This has been established in numerous studies.

A rigorous study of nature.

Two gorillias were observed having lesbian sex there recently. It was the first time anyone had observed the species having such sexual encounters.

What evidence has he?

You’re a sick fucker at times, mouse.

Your church accepts the theory of evolution as one of the strongest and well evidenced theories in science. Are you disagreeing with your church again? Are you sure you are Catholic, you sound more like more of a fundamentalist Protestant.


I’m merely questioning your beliefs and stance.

What evidence is there of Darwin’s theories that you accept?

you dont agree with darwins theory of natural selection. absolutely fine with me kid we are all Gods children. but maybe time now for you to to stop introducing the mans name into discussion to score points on a topic when you need to discredit his theory at a later date to win the argument.
honest to God, you couldnt make it up.

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The evidence from Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Paleontology (the fossil record), Biogeography, Comparative anatomy, Comparative embryology, and Radioisotope dating. The evidence is overwhelming in favor of his theories, and there is nothing that has been found as yet to falsify his claims, regardless of the insane claims of creationists.

I agree fully with Darwin’s theory of natural selection, but unlike you I actually understand it.

you dont kid, you only understand what you want to see or hear. you are a weak person with an empty soul and a very unfulfilled life. id say there is a very good chance you are also going straight to hell my friend but it will be full of argumentative scientists to keep you company.

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