The official Roman Catholic thread

That’s bullshit. Look at recent pictures of these boys and they’ll be wearing a 2005 Mayo jersey or a knock-off Chelsea top. They may not have the best/fancy phones but they increasingly have mobile phones with cameras. Sure wasn’t I in the Langa township in Cape Town last summer to see for myself.

As long as I end up in a place where you are not I should do fine.

To see big hanging black mickeys or the texting of pics of said mickeys?

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Have you viewed and verified this evidence yourself?

I have, and have a framed piece of paper from Duke University on my wall to support that statement.
What evidence do you have to doubt the theory of evolution? Does the fact that your church supports it not suggest to you that it might be well evidenced? I mean the church generally doesn’t support a scientific theory unless there is overwhelming evidence for it, as Galileo discovered to his cost.

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and you were taught to cook by a classically trained french chef but you still cook steak wrapped up in tinfoil and serve aunt fannys meatloaf at dinner parties.
id say you have issues believing what people are telling you and end up thinking and doing what you think they are saying as opposed to what they are actually saying. youre a bit of an oddball.

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The “right on crew” just want to have a go at Christians at any juncture. They’re obsessed. They’ll even go around posting the salacious details of the persons private matters to point score, when at the same time saying we shouldn’t care. They’re all over the place it’s embarrassing.



@Bandage has black lads in deepest Africa wearing Mayo jerseys sending him pictures of their dicks?
Such is the life of an international business man I suppose.

Is this a Fr Ted thread??

How have you verified evidence thousands of years old? You are lying as you have not verified it, you are taking a leap of faith on the word of some scientists, which is ironic given how you detest religion.

I am actually in perfect alignment with your religion which accepts the evidence. Strangely enough you are in conflict with your Church’s teachings, now two out of two as you also don’t understand the nature of God as taught by your church. You should really talk to a priest on these issues, maybe Fr Ray is available.

You have taken a leap of blind faith, for a man who displays cynicism towards religion on the basis of proof or lack of, you are very naive to blindly trust what some scientists and text books say.

Science unlike religion is not based on faith, you are a highly confused and conflicted person who appears to have little understanding of science or religion. You question science which is based on empirical evidence, while believing hallucinogenic fairytales written 4,000 years ago. Your church has reinterpreted these fairytales to take into account modern day knowledge which refutes the fairytales and you disagree with your church. What a strange individual you are.

You are a pitiful empty soul making all your life choices based on science.
Bizarrely you chose to ignore some scientific theories though, see Darwin’s revered theory of natural selection. You are essentially an a la carte science disciple in that you believe a bit of this and a bit of that.
I wouldn’t want the likes of you on my side. A weak as water empty vessel. There’s no place for you in the Catholic Church, none at all.


Which aspect Darwin’s theory of natural selection am I ignoring? You are really making a fool of yourself now, although that was already obvious.
I have no desire to be part of a club that protects and enables child molesters while condemning what consenting adults decide to do with each other.

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You never mentioned the ancient astronaut theory there, the most likely theory of them all as to how we came about. What is your opinion on that theory out of interest?,

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you are ignoring all of it. you began this discussion by jumping in like a big ignoramus into the Fr Rory homosexual misfortune.
you slated Rory for thinking he was gay and linked him to child abuse and slated the Church for how they deal with the gay despite them dealing with this matter impeccably by anyones standards.
You then bizarrely introduced Darwin into the debate but didnt realise Darwin was infact a Christian and didnt realise that Darwin had inadvertently introduced and published the most scientific proof were it needed that homosexuality is not a genetic mutation. According to your favourite scientist if the gay was indeed anyway genetic based then we would have bred it out or be in the process of breeding it out but alas no we have more than ever currently with this condition.

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I didn’t mention it because it isn’t science. It has more in common with religion, and the people who believe it are very similar to people who believe in religious delusions. You can’t refute it using science as it isn’t science, you can only refute it using logic (philosophy), where it’s arguments are very weak. It’s good science fiction though and I understand why people like that as I enjoy it myself.

this is one of the worst hidings I have ever seen here today @anon7035031 should log off for a while before further embarrassing himself