The official Roman Catholic thread

There is so much stupid in that one paragraph it should be compulsive reading in any childā€™s education. I will now (belatedly) take the advise of @ChocolateMice and put you on my mental ignore list, as your illiterate ravings are making my head hurt.

Thatā€™s a surrender post if I ever saw one.
Now sling your hook and fuck off out of this thread once and for all you creepy bastard.

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O my God, I am very sorry for all my sins,
because they offend you who are so good,
and with your help I will not sin again.

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Your day in the sun is done mate, unless you change sides quickly.

Unreal work there today, you totally destroyed him, he didnā€™t know whether he was coming or going in the end, he was even posting like Sid for a finish

Iā€™m a million times more intelligent than you

You may well be, but even the most intelligent people can be delusional.

@anon7035031 has chewed up the heathans and spat them back out.


:grin: never change kid

Heā€™s an awful simpleton :sweat_smile:

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:smile: heā€™s a gas man

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But you have given science your blind faith.

heā€™s tying himself in knots here

Last year, over 3,400 women travelled from Ireland to England and Wales and ended up having their children murdered.

Fellow Catholics, pray for the dead

Science is not based on faith, it is based on evidence. Literally everything you use in your daily life is based on science, your car, your computer, your phone, your TV, etc. If one of them stops working do you typically pray that it might fix itself (faith) or get someone who knows what the fuck they are doing to fix it (science)?

It is quite odd that you have adopted a position completely at odds with your church and in alignment with the most fundamentalist Protestant churches. Talk to your priest, he will set you straight on the churchā€™s position on evolution. Ask him about the Dover trials where teaching horrifically anti-science creationism was kept out of US classrooms. The key witness for those opposing creationism and favoring science was a Roman Catholic scientist, Ken Miller Professor of Biology at Brown University.

Donā€™t you find it a little odd that I (an atheist according to you and your fellow dolts) am aligned with your church on the question of science versus faith, and you are aligned against it? Doesnā€™t even give you the slightest bit of pause? The only logical conclusion is you are either a wum (most likely), or a fundamentalist Protestant masquerading as a Catholic.

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any bit of Mass going down this weekend lads?

Iā€™m about to iron my Sunday best


Peace be with you

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Iā€™ll be in Edinburgh next week lads, anyone know anywhere decent for Mass? Weā€™re in Mordor really there but there has to be a decent Mass around the place.

I wouldnā€™t know the Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh very well Iā€™m afraid