The official Roman Catholic thread

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Iā€™d be confident in Glasgow but this is King James I country. There must be someone on here with a decent knowledge.

Cheers, is there any Yelp like review service for Roman Catholics?

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Looks like St Maryā€™s is the Cathedral, canā€™t go wrong there Iā€™d imagine

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Itā€™s as good as the same thing Tim. Sure, my auld lady is a real bible thumper but any time sheā€™s visiting family in Edinburgh she goes to Proddy mass. She loves all the singing.

sheā€™s committing a sin

Minor sin, if at all. Sheā€™ll probably only get a few days in purgatory for it, unlike fellas thatā€™d be banginā€™ the arse off whores. Thatā€™s surely a good long stint in the ā€œintermediate stateā€.

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Theyā€™re grand if they do their penance apparently, not visiting an escort for a month and three hail Marys is the standard punishment.


Could you still ā€œbuyā€ your way out of it with a tariff penance? Did they do away with that? Itā€™s awful hard to keep up with it all, when they keep shifting the goal posts. I wonder how many souls are still in purgatory for eating meat on a Friday. Must be a right sickener.

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Can you ā€œsinā€ in purgatory I wonder? What if you had a relapse say after a few million years and slipped away to a brothel? Would your sentence be extended? Thankfully greater minds than mine are on top of this.

A couple of Roman Catholics talk Mass logistics and the Atheists just canā€™t help themselves. They pile in with glee. Weā€™re like the blacks in Birmingham Alabama in the 1950s these days such is the abhorrent persecution we endure.


they canā€™t help themselves

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Attended the afters of a first Holy Communion there today.
Lovely lovely day. Good honest people turned out in their very best outfits, good grub, a bouncy castle, good company and of course the little lady made a small fortune in cash and lovely to hear then that she will be off to mass now in the morning again to receive all on her own for the first time.
Fucksake but I couldnā€™t imagine not being a practising Roman Catholic. We are top of the pile really arenā€™t we. We are lucky as fuck. I couldnā€™t be a dirty atheist I donā€™t see the point.


That sounds tremendous, a lovely day out

Iā€™m sure thereā€™s bound to be plenty of fine looking birds in purgatory. Coveting your neighbourā€™s wife is a sin, no matter where it takes place. Thatā€™s surely going to result in your parole being denied.

Anyway, Iā€™m sure there are better men than us pondering this and coming up with the answers. Iā€™m glad that catholic repression doesnā€™t affect me. There is a beast in man that should be exercised, not exorcised.

If I was a parent of the child in question Iā€™d be seriously worried that you were offering her cash.


No one came back to tell us

That should be a clue

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Happy Corpus Christi lads. I shall enjoy my Bank Holiday today.

Can I please ask for a prayer for an acquaintance of mine who is in a precarious position at this time.

Much obliged.