The official Roman Catholic thread

Are you looking for prayers from practicing RCs only, or will good intentions / shamanic journeying / etc. from non-religious also be welcomed?

Has he accidentally locked himself out of his house while wearing only a pair of y-fronts?

Prayer said.

Would lighting a candle help at all?

Thanks, mates.

Hail Mary, full of grace.
Our Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb,
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.



Some sad news

A former national president of GAA Handball has died while on holidays with his wife in Spain.

Michael Boyce (79), from Scarriff, Co Clare, was holidaying in Torremolinos on the Costa Del Sol when he suffered a fall a week ago.

After an evening meal, Mr Boyce had ascended a flight of steps to check Mass times at a local church.

On his way back down, Mr Boyce stumbled and struck his head.
He was taken to hospital, but passed away on Thursday evening without having regained consciousness.

Mr Boyce served as Irish Handball President from 1975 to 1978. He was the first Clare man to be elected to the position.

He also held positions on Clare County Board and Munster Council, before being elected to the office of national president.


Lads, were ye ever just strolling round a random Spanish town looking for a nice tapas bar when you came upon an all in Corpus Christi prosession?

This happened me this evening and it was an utter joy. The Spanish are top top Roman Catholics. They are a credit to our religion.


We discarded that in the 80s I think

Amazing man is our Pope


Oh it’s great being a catholic.

I was at a unitarian wedding last week. I’m considering a transfer

Happened me in Albuferia a couple of years ago. It was late enough on Good Friday night, we were dining outside a restaurant on a quiet back street when all of a sudden a procession of hooded men beating drums and a crucifix raised aloft appeared out of nowhere followed by a large crowd. It was a great spectacle as they made their way solemnly through the streets to the slow rhythmic beating of the drums.


Up Roman Catholicism


First Holy Communion with the school this morning. A great day. The parish priest has a great way about him on the altar.


I know by the way you described that he has that special touch

Vietnamese man. He went through a lot for his faith. His homilies always hit the right note.

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Our ageing parish priest is sick at the moment and it’s not likely he’ll be able to return to full time priesting any time soon.
He’s barely making weekend masses now, and Monday to Friday masses are suspended until further notice.
There’s talk of an Indian priest replacing him, all of the elderly ladies that were initially apprehensive of it now appear to be quite keen on the move as they’d be happy for anyone of any nationally to get them back to service every morning.
Has any TFK’ers any experience of a non national priest taking over a rural Irish parish ?

That’s shocking, tip has normally been a reliable assembly line for producing priests.

Not sure the indian man would be up to speed with the local culture?